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We walked into the house and my dad was in the kitchen looking in the refrigerator for something to eat

"Toni we gotta go grocery shopping our daughter eating all the food" he said looking into the refrigerator

"Hey daddy I'm homeee" I said singing "and look what I got" I said

He turned around to see a baby in my hand he looked at me in confusing

"Who's got damn white baby is that" he said

Me and my mom busted out laughing

"Dad it's my fake baby for this project at school it really cries and it pees and I have to feed it with water they gave us a baby bottle and we can't turn it off because the teacher will know and we'll have a automatic F" I said

"Oh well this will teach you a lesson to not have kids at a young age" he said reassuring himself

"But I gotta do it with a partner and my partner is nyzeir" I said lowly and rolling my eyes

"That boy the boy who had sex with and left my babygirl depressed as hell" he said with anger

"Yes dad and 2 days from now he has to come over and help me with this project so please don't be rude and be nice and don't worry I don't want him or like him like that anymore so don't worry" I said

"Good becuase I'll kill him if he lays a hand on you he's already a bad influence on you and the only reason I'm letting him over is because of your grade and I rather u over here then over at his house he might try something" my dad said

"He wasn't gonna get any anyways" I said rolling my eyes

As soon as I did the baby started to cry

"And that's my que gotta go take care of him" I said rushing upstairs to my room

I got up there and filled the bottle up with water and fed the baby and rocked it like it was a real baby I felt stupid but hey it was for a grade and then my phone started to ring it was a un saved number I answered it

"Hello who is this" I said

"Damn you don't have my number saved?" He said

I realized it was nyzier from his voice

"No I don't what do you want boy" I said

"I wanted to see how my son was doing" he said

"He's doing fine he's great I'm feeding him" I said with a attitude

"At yo calm your attitude down you know what I used to do when you caught attitudes" he said sexy as shit

"Yeah I do but you can't do it no more and we're not together so if u don't mind i have to tend back to my son" I said hanging up

My mind went back to what nyzeir used to do when I caught attitudes

I seen nyzeir talking and flirting with some girl she was being to touch on him and Ian like that so I went up to him politely and pulled him away from the girl and gave her a stank ass look and walked off with him we got into a secluded area and I went off

"Why you in that bitch face like that got that bitch all up on you getting touchy touchy and u just sitting in there like a dumbass letting her and u laughing and shit like you don't got a whole girlfriend" I said with a attitude

"Babe calm down she's a freind I wasn't tryna get with her I only want you" he said tryna kiss me

"Don't touch me" I said pulling away

" go touch your bitch" I said and walked away

He grabbed me and pulled me closer

"Stop with the fucking attitude man I told you she was just a friend" he said

"Fuck u" I said and began walking away

He pulled me and then put his hands around my neck my panties were immediately soaked

"What I told u about your attitude now ima have to teach you a lesson" he said

He still had me by my throat he took me into the handicapped bathroom it was just one bathroom it wasn't stalls like the rest of the bathroom he put me on the counter and started to kiss me aggressively he then took of my panties and seen I was soaked he grinned he started to rub my clit and started to stroke it up and down that made me go crazy "stop teasing me daddy fuck" I moaned he stuck two finger inside and since I was still a Virgin it kinda hurted but after a while it started to feel good "oh fuck don't stop daddy" I moaned he started to kiss me more passionately "ooo I'm almost there" I moaned in his mouth he started lick and suck on my neck because he knows that's my weak spot he started to move his fingers in and out of me faster while rubbing my clit I felt myself tense up and I held on to him tighter

"I'm gonna come daddy fuck" I moaned loudly "hold it" he said

"I cant daddy it's to much fuckkk" I moaned

"not un you didn't wanna listen when I said don't have a attitude say sorry and I'll let you cum" he said while still pumping his finger in and out of me

"I'm sorry daddy I won't disrespect you again please lemme cum" I said

He came close to my ear and said "cum"

I came all over his finger and he put his fingers in his mouth and tasted me

"You taste good now clean yourself up and meet me in the hallway ima walk you to class" he said

I cleaned myself up and i was a lil sore nothing I couldn't handle tho I walked out happy as hell and he walked me to my classes and spent the rest of the day with me


"Yasmineee" I heard my mom yell

"Yess" I yelled back

"Dinners ready" she yelled

I ran downstairs with the baby to go downstairs to eat I couldn't stop thinking about that flashback but I had to I had to move on from him because he's my past not my future or was he......

Life as Yasmine (Toni Braxton's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now