Trying to get back on track

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Two weeks have passed I'm still grounded I have went to school everyday and went to all my classes. My parents dont really talk to me like they used to I guess they are still mad at me but surprisingly me and nyzeir haven't been talking regularly since the day I lost my virginity it's like he has been kinda dodging me and I'm wondering if what my dad said about boys were right


I really hate the tension in this house I need to get out it's not fun living here anymore I'm gonna ask my aunt Tamar if I can stay with her for a while my parents probably won't agree I feel as thought it will help me I'm already sad about the fact they treat me like an outside I'm mad at the fact me and nyzeir are rocky for no reason so I call up my aunt tamar

"Hello" I said
"Hey punkin" she said
"Hey auntie"
"Can I stay over your house for a few days" I said
"Well of course just make sure it's ok with your parents why do you wanna come over here anyways?"
"Everything in my life is just not working out I need to escape this house and I need somebody to talk to" I said
"I understand and I feel you but of course you can come over" she said
"Thank you auntie I'll be over in 30 minutes" I said
"Ok bye see you when u get here love you" she said
"Ok bye love you too" I said

I was so happy she said I can come over I love me some tamar even tho she did me wrong last time I seen her with the whole walk thing.

I started to pack my clothes in a suitcase a weeks worth of stuff I packed toothbrushes deorderant shoes of course some louboutin's because what if I go out tamar bought these for me actually she always says and I quote "every girl should have a pair of louboutins" as said sounding like i laughed at myself I got my phone my money and keys and headed downstairs

Downstairs my parents were watching a movie on the tv. We didn't speak until they saw my suitcase.

"Where you going" my dad said looking at me crazy

"Auntie Tamar house" I said

"Why you got a suitcase then" he said

"Because I'm staying there for a few days she'll drop me off to school and pick me up she says she fine with it" I said

"Why are you going over there" my mom said

"Because I need to get out this house the energy is not good" I said

"The energy is just fine" my dad said not taking his attention away from the tv

"Yeah....ok but anyways I'm going I'll be back" I said

"Well tell tamar we said hi be safe we love you" my mom said

I mumbled "first time u said that in a long time"

"What u say?" My dad said

"Nothing bye" I said

I texted tamar to come get me she said she would be 10 minutes I waited on the porch for 10 minutes I called nyzeir but no Answer but I saw he posted on his Instagram story and it was him smoking weed I rolled my eyes and found this post about relationships that's said "don't answer my phone calls because another dude will" I posted that on my story I never been petty like this but he has just been ugh so distance at a time that I need him

My aunt tamar pulled up in the driveway I put my suitcase in the backseat and got in the passenger seat

"So tell me about how you been doing since the whole thing that happened" she said

I told her everything I told her how nyzeir was being distant I told her about my parents everything  how I felt alone.

"So how serious was you and this boy" she said

"We were pretty serious I would see him almost every day we were like the perfect couple he was a gentleman he made me feel love he made me feel like I could do anything in this world if he was by my side when nobody else understood me he did he w...

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"We were pretty serious I would see him almost every day we were like the perfect couple he was a gentleman he made me feel love he made me feel like I could do anything in this world if he was by my side when nobody else understood me he did he was Literally like my other half and I miss him so much" I said starting to get emotional

"Why don't you talk to him then and tell him what's going on?"

"He doesn't pick up his phone no more and when I see him in school which I barely do he says his hi's and bye's but he always has to go like it's something else he has to tend to" by this time I was crying

"I'm not your parents you I think you should talk to the boy so you guys can figure your relationship out you clearly love him and it ain't puppy love no more and to have a good relationship you need communication" tamar said

We arrived at Tamar's house and I kept thinking about what she said I got my suitcase from the backseat we went in the house and saw Vince and Logan

"Hey yas" Vince said
"Hey Vince" I said

He gave me a hug I haven't seen him in a while but he is always busy so hey and then Logan ran to me and gave me the biggest hug I love this little guy he is so sweet and cute

"Yasssss" he said
"Hey little logie" I said while picking him up
"You get more cuter everytime I see you" I said
"You can't say I'm cute ima big boy now" he said while showing his muscles I chuckled and put him down

Since I live right around the corner and I be here a lot Tamar gave me my own room she said I'm like her daughter she never had I find it really sweet.

I went and put my suitcase down and just laid on the bed and thought about everything and how I could make it go back to normal I decided that I was gonna go to nyzeir's house to talk about us so we could get better in our relationship

"Auntie can I go to the mall to shop for some new dresses for school" I shouted

"Sure I would come with but I'm gonna put Logan down for a nap and me and Vince are gonna watch a movie after"

Watch a movie alright they weren't gonna watch no movie they were gonna be knocking boots I ain't stupid gone head and get ya life girl

"Yeah...ok I'll take a Uber there" i said

"Just take one of the cars and be back" she said

"It's fine I'll take a Uber love you guys be back later" I said

"Love u too" she said

I actually took a Uber to nyzeir's house but I couldn't tell tamar that she would think me and him would be trying to you know👊🏾👊🏾 and then she'd tell my parents and they hate the fact that I even did anything with him

The Uber arrived and it was really sketchy but I made it there safely thank god and I walked up to nyzeir's apartment I was so scared to knock he didn't know I was coming but we had to talk about us because this distant thing is not cute so I knock 3 times and no Anwser but then I decide to knock one more time and the door opened.....

Who answered the door? What will happened next? Comment if you like the book and vote for it I do new updates everyday so add to your library Thanks for all the support ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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