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Hey guys I know the last time you seen me I was passed out because of Nyzeir. Well now I'm in my room grounded yes grounded because my mom was so fucking pissed at me and Peyton we are both grounded for the rest of the summer.

I haven't spoken to nyzier in a whole week, a whole week with no dick no nothing and I miss him and I know peyton miss Derrick because she be having random attitudes and be crying about missing him and stuff.

She be acting like a bitch sometimes like she on her period 24/7 but I know it's because she haven't gotten no dick in a while.

Right now our parents are out on date night it's not fair they get to have fun and my mom gets to get dick but I'm here with no dick at all angers me sometimes.

I was now walking to Peyton's room. I knocked on the door.

"Yes." she said

"I ordered us pizza just a heads up it will be here in a second."

"Okay you could've just told me when it got here."she snapped back

"Or I could've let your ass starve." I said

"Fuck you." she said

"Naw my man do enough of that!" i yelled walking away

Just then the door bell rang and Peyton came rushing down behind me her hungry ass I opened my door

"Here ya go sir here's th—" I said but gco ivy my baby standing there with the pizza in his hand he must've got it from the pizza man before he gave it to us

"BABBY!!!" I said screaming and jumped on him

I was hugging him and kissing him deeply.

"Bae I'm about to drop the pizza." he chuckled

"I don't give a damn about that pizza."I said kissing on him

"Well I do" peyton said with a attitude snatching the pizza from him

"Aye peyton you don't gotta have a attitude I brought to a suprise too" he said moving to the side

"Huh what you me-" she said but gco when she said Derrick behind him

"Dadddy!!" She screamed while running in his arms dropping the pizza

"I missed you baby." he said to her

"I missed you too daddy." she said

"Are you happy now." I said

"Very." she said laying he head down on his shoulder

"Wait why y'all here you know we grounded our parents are gonna kill you if they see y'all!" I said

"Are they here." nyzier asked

"No they on a date night." I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok then when did they leave?" He asked

"About 30 minutes ago." I said

"What? that gives us a hour to be together" he said smirking.

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