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Tamar walks downstairs and I try to rush upstairs "Yasmine get yo ass back down here" Toni says I slowly walk back down the stairs "now why the hell did u sneak out and go to a party where everybody was drinking and smoking" she said my dad was looking into my soul as I answered "Well I knew you and dad wouldn't let me go and I thought you guys would still be at the studio before I got back and auntie tamar was sleep so I was gonna go out and come back in before anybody noticed I wasn't hurting nobody" "Do you know what could've happen to you at that party u could've been drugged rape or killed and we wouldn't have known because we didn't know where you were!!" Toni said "But mom I was with Adrianna and ashley and nyzeir was there" Nyzeir so that's that boy's name" my dad said "yes daddy but see I would've been fi-" "Yeah and you would've been pregnant too if we didn't come what were u doing with that boy!?!?" My dad said "Yasmine you was with a boy was he fine?!" "Tamar!" Toni said "I'm sorry I'ma just go upstairs" tamar said she walked back to her room "Dad we were just kissing!" "Oh yeah he was just kissing u with your shirt off and he was tryna take ur dress off while you were on top of him" Toni said "I almost killed that boy!" "How old is he because he looks like a grown man?!?!" My dad said I look and the floor and hang my head down my mom covers her mouth in disbelief " "HOW OLD IS HE?!?!" "He's 19"I muttered "19 YASMINE YOUR ONLY 16 what are you doing with a 19 yr old?" "He makes me feel complete he makes me feel like the prettiest girl in the world I love him with all his heart and he loves me and we were just expressing our love!" I said "Having sex should be a way your expressing your love to him he shouldn't force u to have sex" mom said "mom he didn't force me to I wanted it to happen I was ready!!" "Ready for what to be a teen mom and plus u were drunk you wouldn't have even known what was going on the next day" dad said "Dad I was full enough aware of what I was doing the drinking only made the adrenaline rush a lil faster I'm old enough to make my own decisions" I yelled  Toni then slaps me and I hold my face with tears in my eyes "You will not speak to me or your father in that tone especially when your the one doing wrong!!" She said "And I forbid you from ever seeing that boy ever again he is too old and he obviously is making you act out" my dad said "Daddy please no I love him you can't do this he loves me!" I started to cry "That boy doesn't love you he only wants one thing your grounded for 2 months and if u keep talking back it's gonna be 3!!" I turned around and ran upstairs crying and I went in my bed and locked the door my parents came up there and asked for my phone tablet and AirPods I slid them under the door. I didn't care I was too busy crying "how could they forbid me from seeing him I love him to much" I said  they can't do this this is not fair I then hear a knock at the door and I yell go away "Girl I ain't yo parents don't be mad at me" says Tamar oh it's just Tamar I say and I go to open the door and she comes in and sits on my bed she gave me the bish what happened look I told her about everything she said " Your wrong Yasmine but they are too kinda your way to young to be having sex you got your whole life to think about that but they are wrong saying you can't see him because all your gonna do is see him anyways am I right" I nodded my head yes "Yasmine be careful when having sex u can get pregnant or a std and I don't want that for you your so pretty and full of life but you were wrong for sneaking out to a party and not telling your parents your going to a party and your wrong for drinking" she said "I know auntie but I felt so alive and free and I didn't feel like I was in that box of the goody too shoes Toni Braxton's daughter I felt like Yasmine" "I get what your saying I know how you feel I too felt like I was in Toni's shadow but u have to get out of it not by partying and drinking but by making your own successful way and standing out in a good way" she said "Yeah I get what your saying" I said "Well lemme go back in the guest room before I get in trouble next" " auntie how long are u staying" I said "in the morning on the first thing smoking I'm going back home to Vince y'all got to much drama here I can't deal Chile" she says while she does a hair flip
"Ok well goodnight auntie and thanks for the talk" I said "no problem baby have a good night" DING DING I hear a notification but from where they took all my devices and then I see my laptop I forgot I had it connected to my phone I open it up and see that my friends were texting me asking if I was ok I told them what happened and that I would never talk to my parents again and that they were really doing to much and then I saw the worst thing ever on my timeline

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