One mo 'gain

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Some months later....

I hate this class with everything in me hey guys long time no see.

Lemme give u the update on what's happen this past few months.

So peyton and Brooke broke things off and decided to just stick to freinds or family really i don't know what to call it brooke went back to stay with her mom since her mom and dad are offically done she also told her mom what happened. Auntie got that man locked up so fast it was crazy but he deserved it.

Mom and dad are still well... mom and dad they're the same.

Me on the other hand I have lost some freinds and gain new ones me and nyzier are still going strong I love my pookie and school is back in session SENIORR YEARRR I'm so happy! Nyzeir graduated last year but he didn't walk the stage because he didn't want to, to bad because I would've been screaming my baby name from the mountain.But, I gave him some good graduation sex.

Currently I am in school in English I hate this class the teacher is boring and the work is stupid.

"Ms?" I said


"Can I use the bathroom please it's a emergency." I asked

"Yes you may hurry."

"Thank you." I took my bag and speeding out the door into the hallway left the building and ended up leaving the school entirely.

I do this whenever I don't wanna be at school I make up a excuse and leave and don't return the whole day and plus that was my last class of the day anyways.

I decided to go to nyzeirs house because why not go see my man I was hungry so I stopped at chick fil a before I went to his house I got my stuff and got his regular that he usually eats.

After that I headed to his house jamming to the some beyonce we loveee the queen B over heree hunny!

I finally make it to his house I go up the elevator and go to his apartment I open the door with my key. Oh yeah he did give me my own key I felt sooo special.

I go straight to his room to see him sprawled out on his bed sleep with the tv on re runs of football games.

He looks so cute even with the little slob out his mouth he must be tired from his college classes. Yes my baby is in college majoring in business it just made since he has always had a boss mentality that's what I love about him.
Even tho he's still in the game not as much he is easing out.

I put the food down on his dresser take my shoes and clothes off and then head in the shower I take me a quick little shower before entering back in the room and getting one of his t shirts and a pair of panties and putting them on.

I go over and kiss him on the lips and cheeks.

"Wake up baby." I said

I kissed him some more repeatedly on his lips

"Yasss." He said grunting

"Baby get uppp." I said

"Babygirl I'm sleepy." He said in his raspy voice that's just made me a drip a lil bit

"I brought us some chick fil a" I said

He immediately sat up and I chuckled at him.

"Why didn't you start with that." He said

"Oh wow you wake up for food but not your girlfriend." I said fake pouting

"Come here." He said opening his arms

He hugged me and snuggle me and gave me and few kisses. Then he looked at his phone to see the time.

"Baby why aren't you in school its 12." He said

"Because I didn't want to babe it was boring I like spending time with my man more." I said giving him little kisses on his neck

"But mamas school is important and I don't want you missing it because of me no more skipping school to come here and no skipping at all yasmine." He said pulling me off his neck and looking at me in my face

"Ok ok baby I won't skip no more I'm sorry but I don't like that teacher she gives me try to hard." I said

He just laughed and shook his head he got the bag of food off the dresser and open it and went through it while I picked our favorite show to watch together "How To Get Away With Murder" I started it and he actually needed up liking it so now it's the show we watch together.

He handed me my stuff and sauce and stuff and he got to feeding me and I was feeding him it was cute and real intimate I love moments like this with him I adore it more than any fancy gift.

2 hours later....

Finally home sweet home I'm tired ready to go to sleep nyzeir wore me out after we ate and i can't sleep there it would blow my cover.

I sit my bag down on the couch and slide my shoes off and head straight to the kitchen for something to drink a bitch is thirsty.

I head to the kitchen and see my mother there staring at me grab a drink.

"Hey ma." I said uneasy

"Hello. How was school?" She asked

"It was boring same ole same ole." I said opening my caprisun (don't judge me them shits slap no shade.)

"Really because the school called me and told me you weren't in your last period class care to explain that?" She said she said with one eyebrow raised

"You know how the attendance be and plus we had a sub mom." I said trying to play it off

"Nicole you're really gonna sit here and lie to me in my face like I didn't know that you walked out of your class pretending to go to the bathroom and skipped school." She said

I didn't have anymore words to say after that because I was caught.

"Oh now you don't have shit to say really yasmine where did you even go." She asked

I just looked at the floor and played with my hands.

"You was with nyzeir wasn't you?" She said

I liked at the roof and just sighed.

"I knew it yasmine this is your senior year why are you skipping do you not wanna graduate or something you think this boy is more important than your education!" She said mad and in my face.

"No he told me I couldn't do it no more and I was bored ma I'm sorry I have good grades in that class I just don't like being there." I said trying to back up.

"Does it look like I give a damn about where you don't wanna be ima stick my foot up where your don't want it to be IN YO ASS." She said pointing in my face.

"Get it together yasmine and this is the last time I'm saying it!" She said backing out of my face and walking out of the kitchen.

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