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I woke up still on nyzeirs chest he was sleep he looks so good when he sleeping I licked and hit at his earlobe a little

"Daddy wake up" I said while biting his ear lobe

He moves a little but doesn't wake up

I put my hands down in his boxers and start stroking him he starts to grunt and wakes up

"Goodmorning daddy" I said giving him a kiss on the mouth

"Aww fuck goodmorning babygirl mmm" he said moaning

I took my hands out his boxers

"Why you stop babe" he said hard as hell

"Because your up now I did that so you would get up" I said

"Babe come on keep going"

"No babe I was thinking I think I wanna go to chruch" I said

"Why you wanna go to chruch" he said

" I don't know we need some god in our lives especially you" I said

"But you don't believe in god babe" he said

"I don't but we need some in our life so get up and go put on a suit" I said getting up

"I'm not wearing no suit" he said getting up out of the bed

"Ok ok just get ready and take a cold shower your growing down there" I said laughing

He groaned and went to take a cold shower he came back getting dressed in some jeans and a shirt with all his chains and stuff I went and took a shower and came out in a nice simple dress it was one of the less risqué thing I had

He groaned and went to take a cold shower he came back getting dressed in some jeans and a shirt with all his chains and stuff I went and took a shower and came out in a nice simple dress it was one of the less risqué thing I had

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"Come on bae I'm ready" I said

"You look good mamas" he said making me blush

"Thank you daddy" I said while giving him a peck on the lips

"Babe what chruch are we even going to" he said

"My mom and dads old chruch they don't go there no more they haven't been there in a long time they just don't have the time you know they been working constantly forgetting they have kids you know" I said sarcastically

"Anyways let's go and after we can go to mr chows to eat later and I'll even give you your favorite dessert" I said biting my lip

"Ok baby what are we waiting for them get in the car" he said

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