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"What do you mean he handled it!!" my mom said

It's been 2 weeks since I moved back in and my mom keeps asking me the same dumb ass question

"Mom he handled it okay!!" I said

"What did he do" my mom said

"He killed him you happy?!" I said

"Why would he do that?!?!" my mom said

"Because that man hurt me he scarred me for life he took my innocence and you and dad dang sure didn't do nothing about it so he handled it that man deserves it" I said

"Dad probably would've killed him too imagine when he finds out he is gonna be crushed" I said

"I can't let my dad go to jail because of me so he handled it for me let's please change the subject go" I said

My mom sighed "he deserves to die for touching you I'm glad nyzeir could help you I know your father doesn't see it but I can see you two together for a long time" she said

"Me too he's the person I wanna spend my whole life with" I said

"My babygirl is growing up fast I only want the best for you I hope your really truly happy" Toni said

"I am"

"Ok well when are you gonna tell your father about this" she said

"I'm not I wasn't even supposed to tell you but it just came out dad is gonna go crazy and he's gonna beat himself up about it" I said

"I can't keep this from your father too long you have to tell him before we leave for our show" she said

I sighed "alright"

"Good ima go to the mall while you tell him and I'll take peyton you know her birthday is coming up" mom said

"Yeah I know I can't wait for her birthday I have so much stuff planned for her I wanna fly somewhere"

"Where and for how long"

"Probably Cabo and for just like a week it's gonna be me and nyzeir and her and Derrick"

"Like a couples week?"

"Yeah it will be fun"

"I already know you gonna be knocking boots but do you think your father will let Peyton go" she said

"It's not like she don't be se- oops wait I didn't say that" I said mistakenly

My moms eyes went wide

"But Peyton's the good kid!"

"Mom please don't tell dad I told peyton I wouldn't tell anybody please don't say anything" I said

"Say what" peyton said as she entered the room

"Well peyton I accidentally told mom you be having sex"

Peyton's eyes went wide

"Yasmine I'm gonna kill you" she said charging at me

"Wait wait wait" my mom said standing in between us

"Calm down peyton I'm not mad and I'm not telling your father" she said

"Im sorry peyton I didn't mean too" I said

Peyton took a deep breath "your sure you aren't going to tell dad?" Peyton said to mom

"Yes I'm sure I'm not mad at you just make sure your using protection and your being safe both of your are either 17 or about to be 17 you got one more year till your grown your not babies anymore I can't be mad at the fact that your having sex I can only help you" she said

Life as Yasmine (Toni Braxton's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now