Wet Dreamz

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"See this don't got nothing to do with me." I said

"Sit down child before I hit you." Traci said and I sat down because she heavy handed

"Now what is going on here." Traci said

I looked over at brooke and Peyton and they looked at me I was not going to say anything I'm no snitch.

"So don't nobody have nothing to say?" Traci asked

I put my head down because I was not in the middle of this I told them to stop but no they don't wanna listen.

"You got 2 minutes for I go get Toni and umba." Trina said

"Ayee wait why you bring them into this." Peytons said

"Because your fornicating with your cousin." She said

"That s big word." Brooke laughed

We were all still high and I knew I was gone get my ass tore up if mom found out I was high let alone I got them high too I'm supposed to be responsible.

Traci tilted her head and looked and us and squinted her eyes.

"Who gave y'all weed?" She said

Me brooke and peyton suddenly lost all color in our faces my heart dropped to the bottom of my ass.

"Huh." Was all I can get out

"If u can huh you can hear." She said

"Yasmine gave it to us." Peyton said

I looked back at her in shock.

"Snitching ass bitch." I mumbled

"Stop all that cussing." Trina said as she hit me upside my head

"Ow! Yes mam." I said rubbing my head

"Why you didn't give me none." Traci said and everybody looked at her suprised

"Well if it's making brooke think everything is funny and making Peyton wanna mess with her cousin then it must be really good." Traci said shrugging her shoulders

"Who you got it from was it from "P" down there on the avenue?" She questioned

"Naw not "P" his weed ain't as good I got this from nyzeir his stuff is top tier." I said forgetting not to mention nyzeir

"Your boyfriend sells weed?" Trina asked

"Well yes but only because he has to make a living somehow he doesn't have parents and he said he's gonna get out when he goes to college because he wants us to have a normal life not a drug filled one." I said confident in my anwser

"You know your moms would kill you right?" Trina said

"Yes I know that's why we're not gonna tell her or anybody else." I said

"Why shouldn't we?" Traci said squinting and me

"Because you borrowed moms favorite birkin without telling her and never gave it back I seen you and she had to buy a whole new one she was pissed she couldn't find it for a week if she found out you wouldn't be able to come in the house for a couple of months." I said smirking

"I-" she said peyton snickered

"Well that's traci but I'm still gonna tell her." Trina said

"Well not exactly auntie because if you do that I'll tell Caleb how you told my mom he was a failed abortion." Brooke said

Everybody's mouth dropped.

"How did you-"

"I walked in you guys while y'all were talking in the kitchen I was going in there for a drink when I heard you I was surprised but I decided to go back upstairs and mind my business."

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