Moving In And Moving On

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When I woke up my legs were numb my throat hurted and my back was sore even through the pain I managed to get up and ran me some warm bath water and since I already had on no clothes I just went in it felt so nice and relaxing I love nyzeir to death but last night scared the hell out of me I don't think we can live together right now

I finally got out the tub still sore between my legs but I'll be fine

"Morning baby" nyzeir said walking into the bathroom I jumped a little bit he scared me

"Baby please don't flinch like that" he said

"I'm not I'm sorry goodmorning" I said

He looked at me like I broke his heart he sighed

"I know your scared I'm sorry for what I did last night my intentions was to never hurt you I love you more than anything I don't even know why i started to drink I was became like my father and I hate myself for that when I saw the fear in your eyes I wanted to protect you only to realize you were fearing me it made me sick to my stomach that I even pushed you I will never forgive myself for this ever"

"I know baby I'm sorry for lying to you I just I felt like nobody understands me and I was just sad and I didn't wanna keep burying you with my problems I didn't wanna bother you and he was just somebody I could talk to that's it"

"Baby your problems are my problems you will never become a burden to me ever I'm always here for you always and I don't want to lose you Ik we're young but I'm madly in love with you and would do anything for you and I will never try to hurt you" he said

"I love you baby but I think I'm gonna move back in with my parents I miss them and Peyton and I wanna work out things with them one day we're gonna move back in with each other and im never gonna leave but for right now I think this is best" I said

"Me too I want the best for you and if that's the best for you then so be it" he said

"Thank you for understanding" I said while giving him a kiss on the lips

"See this is how it all got started last time" I said

"When you wanna go to your parents house" he said

"We can go right now actually"

"Lemme put on some clothes"

"Ok ima take a shower and get dressed I'll be ready in a minute" he said

"Ok baby" I said giving him another peck on the lips before walking out the door with the table wrapped around me he slapped my ass

"Wait come back here baby right quick he said"

I went back and he turned me around to where my backside was to his front and I could feel his print through his boxers then he dropped one of my combs on the floor infront of me on purpose

"You mind picking that up for me" he said with a smirk

I knew exactly what he was trying to do I picked up the comb slow and seductively I only had the towel on no clothes nothing underneath so I know he seen everything

He thrusted into me but still had his boxer on he dry humped me

I let out a little moan

"Stop daddy we gotta go" I said picking the comb up

He grabbed my neck not hard and put his hand where my clit was and cupped it and started to rub my folds

"So you want me to stop" he said

"Y-yyes please" I moaned

"You really want me to" he said smirking

"Please" I said biting my lips

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