A Happy Home?

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"Open your heart up
Hoping I'll never find out that you're anyone else
'Cause I love you just how you are
And hope you never find out who I really am
'Cause you'll never love me, you'll never love me, you'll never love me" I sang

I was washing my face and looking at the mirror looking back at my self thinking of all the things that I have went through it's crazy how people think just because you have fame and money that your life is perfect but if they only knew I'm far from perfect

I finished washing my face and wiped my face with a towel I felt fresh I walked out of the bathroom and walked back into the room to see nyzeir still sleep I sighed I need to get away completely just for a few days just by myself I kept feeling these waves of sadness everything was all just happening so fast I never really had time to process it and it was slowly starting to eat me alive

Even tho I had nyzeir i couldn't help but feeling like I was still alone yeah I was patching up my relationship with Peyton but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to her about my problems ashley is too busy with Malik and Adrianna is too busy with her own problems I feel like as much as nyzeir comforts me he will just never understand 

Nobody ever will

I left out of the room to get me something to drink I poured me some crown apple and took it all down no chaser even tho it was like 10 in the morning it burned a lil but it calmed my nerves a bit

I got a Instagram notification saying that somebody was texting me then I realized it was the guy from the club

Zay: Hey I know I contacted you so late but I know you have a man's and everything but I really enjoyed the night with you i was hoping if we could hang out today

Me: I don't know I have boyfreind and he doesn't do to well with boys trying to be my freind

Zay: We'll that's ok because ima a man and I wont try anything on you think of it as meeting a old freind strictly freinds nothing else's what do you say

Me: Ok I guess so

Zay: Good meet me at P.F Changs at 2

Me: ok I'll see you then

Zay: see you then gorgeous

Nyzeir came walking in the kitchen in only his underwear hugging and kissing on my neck I hurried and put my phone down

"Goodmorning beautiful"

"Goodmorning baby"

"Why are you up so early and why is the alcohol out" he said

"I was just putting it up baby I had to get something off the shelf" I said flashing a fake smile and assuring him

"Oh okay what do you wanna do today we'll actually I'm gonna go hang out with the girls at 2 but when I come back we can do anything you want" I lied

"Oh ok where y'all going"

"You know just hanging out doing girl stuff"

"Oh ok"

I moved out of his arms easily

"What's wrong babe" he said

"Nothing baby I'm fine just a little tired that's all" I said lying

"Oh okay ima go play the game you think you can make me some breakfast?"he said

"Sure baby"

"Thank you mamas" he said kissing my cheek

He back into the room to play the game while I made him some breakfast I made him some eggs bacon pancakes and put him some fruit on the side

"Babe breakfast is ready" I said

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