Family Reunion Who We Introducing?!?

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"But I don't wanna go you guys didn't even start going back till this year it's totally not fair!"

"Well your mother said we're going this year so that means you and Yasmin so you are going!" My father yelled back

"Ughhh! Can I atleast bring nyzeir with me to feel comfortable I haven't seen these people in years and you know they are always judging?

"Yes you can bring him I don't mind." He said

"What's the theme this year and where is it?"

"It's in the woods in Florida theme is A Strong Family." He said


"Dad no the woods and Florida definitely don't mix and I am not staying in a cabin y'all can but me and nyzier are gonna get a hotel and we will meet y'all at the cabins."

"Do what ever you feel Yasmin but I know you better be at this family reunion." He said going back upstairs.

Ughhh!!! Now I have to plan for this trip I'm so glad this is my last time going once I'm 18 I'll be done with this.

"Peyton!" I yelled

She came rushing in out of breath.

"What what happen?!"

"Did you know abt this family thing." I said annoyed

"Oh girl that yes everybody knew thought u did too but I guess not."

"Are you staying at the cabins?" I asked

"Yeah why not there nice and it's no point of me being in a hotel room by myself." She said shrugging

"Ugh alright ur dismissed." I said

"Girl don't get punched." She said to me and then walked out of my room.

This is gonna be a long ass weekend for sure.

1 week later......

"Yes I packed all of my stuff babe I made sure I checked everything off my list."

"Is that why u have two suitcases and a carry on?" He said

"Yes exactly I have to always be prepared come on." I said walking with nyzeir to my parents jet .

"Hey douggie !" I said hugging our flight attendant he has been our family's private flight attendant for as long as I can remember.

"Hey yas!" He said hugging me back

"Who's this?" He asked looking at nyzier.

"This is my boyfriend nyzeir and I love him very much so be nice." I said looking at doug

"I will welcome aboard." He said shaking nyzeirs hand

"Thanks man." Nyzeir said

"Cmon hurry!" I said grabbing nyzeir rushing to the one of the bedrooms on the plane.

"Has to get it before Peyton got it I want us to be separate from all them I'm still sleeepy bae woke up to early for this." I said while yawning

"Well then let's lay down then the flight 5 hours." He said taking off his shoes and shirt.

"I am lemme take all my clothes off." Ima just leave my underwear and bra because we on a plane.

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