Mall cop

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We got into the house mind you we already changed into our clothes our decoy clothes Our parents were sitting on the couch

"Hey mom hey dad" I said hurrying upstairs

"Hey mama Toni hey dad" Peyton said following me

"Hey" they both said weirdly

Me and Peyton both ran up to my room we changed into our night clothes and started to talk about tonight

"Bruhh that shit was crazy yasmine" Peyton said excitedly to

"I feel so free and over the edge" she said

I laughed at her this girl really is a nun

"That's only a taste of life I'm telling you sis you have to live a little" I said

"But do not tell dad or our moms becaus that's our ass" I said

"Tell me what" Toni said walking in my room

Me and Peyton was silent I hope she didn't here what we were talking about

"Tell u and dad how wonderful you guys are for letting us go out we really do love y'all" I said then I hit Peyton

"Yeah mama T I love you and my dad thanks so much" Peyton said we got up to hug Toni

"Ok well you girls need to go to sleep and Peyton your mom is coming to pick you up tomorrow morning because you have to go to school on Monday" Toni said

"Yes mam" Peyton said

"Ok goodnight baby's" Toni said blowing a kiss and leaving

"Peyton are you sleeping in here or are you going to your room" I said

"Ima sleep in here I gotta leave tomorrow anyways" she said in a sad tone

"I wish you lived here" I said sadly

She looked down and sighed

"Well goodnight yas" she said laying down and going to sleep facing away from me

"Goodnight pey" I said going to sleep also


I woke up Peyton wasn't in the bed I went and used the bathroom and went downstairs and Peyton was down stairs eating some cereal I went and joined her

"Morning pey" I said

She didn't say anything

"I said morning Peyton" I said again a lil louder

"Yeah yeah goodmorning" she said distracted she was texting somebody I go over to see who she was texting and it was Derrick and I knew it was him becaus it said "Derrick😍🫶🏾" in her phone

She quickly moved her phone " Damn nosy much" she said

I rolled my eyes

"So I see you and Derrick are getting along fine you know he goes to my school right" I said

"Yeah I know he told me" she said

"Well damn have y'all been talking all morning?" I asked

"Maybe" she said blushing

"Oh wow your serious about him never seen you act like this" I said looking at her suprised

"Yeah I am" she said

My mom came downstairs

"Good morning girls" she said

"Good morning ma" I said

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