Home Sweet Home

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking I have not had a home cooked meal in a long time I was really excited to eat I went downstairs to see my auntie making breakfast I walked in the kitchen to see eggs bacon mom mom's famous biscuits French toast grits and cinnamon buns I was in literal heaven

"Good morning sleepy head" she said

"Good morning auntie everything smells so good" I said mouth watering

"It will be finish in just a second get the table ready and tell your uncle that breakfast is done" she said

"Yes mam" I said while walking up the stairs and heading to my aunts room I knocked on the door

"Auntie Trina said that breakfast is done and she said you better come down here before you miss it" i yelled across the door

"Ok I'll be down" he said

I went back downstairs and started setting the table up and I helped my auntie put all of the dishes with food down on the the table we had to wait for my uncle to come down because my aunt Trina didn't want to be rude I didn't care I just wanted to eat

I tried to sneak a bacon piece but she smacked my hand

"Oww" I said rubbing my hand

"Wait till your uncle come down" she said

"Ughh fine" I said while rolling my eyes

She gave me a "roll em again" look I put my hands up in defeat just as I did so von came down and sat at the table

"Hey baby" he said to Trina while giving her a peck on the lips

"Hey vonny pooh" she said while flirting hard asl

"Get a rooom" I said sarcastically

They both chuckled I got a empty plate and started to put eggs on there but I was interrupted

"Un un say your grace first" she said

I looked at her sideways grace I don't say grace even tho my mom and her side of the family are very religious you know with the whole preacher kids and stuff I never have been that I was the complete opposite I didn't do the chruch thing I felt like it was a scam

"Ok go ahead" I said while bowing my head

"Well Yasmine your the guest how about you say it" von said

I glared at him I hated saying grace but I wouldn't tell nobody because then it would become a big thing about how I don't believe in god and I didn't need that added to the list of how I'm a problem child so I just did it

"Umm...I...uh.. i..uh..thank you...god for this food that I'm about to eat and bless it yes yes amen" I said

"Good enough" Trina shrugged

I dug in and I put everything in my plates eggs bacon grits French toast and the cinnamon bun and I washed it all with a cup of apple juice I was so full but it felt good even tho my flight was in the next 3 hours

"Soo how did you like your stay here in Atlanta" von asked

I looked at Trina and Trina looked at me in a "don't tell the truth" look

"It was really good glad I came out here to clear my mind but just a lil tip for you guys when you have guest over preferably when u have kid guest over don't be doing it at 2 am in the morning everybody down the street could hear y'all" I said with a disgusted look on my face

They both starting laughing hysterically and I just glared at them it wasn't funny it was nasty

"I'm sorry boom boom but honestly thought you would be used to it especially since your parents are likes the freakiest people I know"

Life as Yasmine (Toni Braxton's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now