Date Night

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I sat down besides Peyton and across from Toni and Kenneth I'm not claiming them till they apologize I had my legs crossed and my AirPods in while eating my chips I really don't wanna talk to them

"Can u take your headphones out please" Toni said
"Ughhh" I said with attitude

"Enough with your attitude" Ken said

I rolled my eyes

"Look we wanna talk to you guys about sex and your virginity and boys and all that stuff protection" Toni said

"Why are we learning this your act like we are 12 we already know" I said

"Yeah we know about this" Peyton said

"Well somebody is acting like we didn't raise them right" Ken said

"Now I'm not raised right because I had sex with a boy that I loved and still do love now I'm wrong" I said annoyed

"Not only that but you didn't use protection or anything you just had a pregnancy scare your sneaking out drinking we care about you and we wanna help you" Toni said

"Oh now you care that's crazy" I said sarcastically

"What do you mean now we care" Ken said

"You guys never pay attention to me we barely spend time together your either on tour in the studio or doing a show I see tamar more then I see y'all you guys don't care about me you care about your career only person that cared about me was nyzier and my freinds they cared about how I was doing you didn't" I said on the verge of tears

"That's how you feel" Toni said

I didn't say anything I just started wiping the tears that fell on my face I didn't mean to cry it's just that I been holding that in for so long

"I'm sorry that we didn't ask how you were earlier I'm sorry were so busy we will make more time for you I love you more than anything in this world but please talk to me when you feel this way or anything I want nothing more than to see you happy" Toni said

I started to cry more because that all I wanted was a apology she started to hug me and I hugged her back

"I'm so sorry mommy for putting you thru this I just didn't know what to do" I said while wiping my tears

"It's ok I want are relationship to be as strong as it was you used to tell me everything" she said

"Ik and I'm sorry for having sex but I really love him and I would love for you guys to meet him he really loves me and he made a mistake we all do" I said

"Ok how about you invite him over for dinner" mom said

"Yayy" I said

"Daddy can I invite him please I'll invite him over next week" I said

"Yeah you can no touchy touchy tho or else ima kill him" he said

"Thank you daddy I love you so much and I'm sorry" I said while hugging him

"I love you too babygirl" he said

"Peyton you next" dad said

"Before you get on me I get straight A's I'm not having sex and I'm not partying and I'm not doing drugs ima good kid" Peyton said

"That sounds boring" I said while laughing

Peyton glared at me

"I'm just kidding I love you lil sis" I said while hugging her

"We're the same age" she said with a blank look on her face

"Not un I turn 17 in a week I can't wait" I said

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