And Then There Were Two

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"Mommy mommy look at my lips I put the lipstick on so I can look cute like you!" Acacia said with my lipstick

"Acacia why are you in my makeup!" I said taking the lipstick out of her hands aggravated and a little mad that was my fenty auntie rih just had sent me some new goodies!

"But I just wanted to look pretty like you mommy." She said pouting with tears coming down her face.

My face softened as I got a makeup wipe from my vanity.

"Baby you look so pretty without this stuff , your my daughter you look just like me you my twin of course your gonna look like me." I said wiping her lips off.

"Ok mommy" she said with her finger in her mouth wiping her tears. I hate to see my baby cry.

"Come here baby." I said hugging her and wiping her little tears.

"Mommy loves you forever and your my perfect baby girl." I said giving her kisses on her forehead

"I luv you to mommy." She said hugging me back tighter.

I quickly hurried and dashed out of the bed to the bathroom just in time to throw up in the toilet. Third time tonight. And I keep having that damn dream. God please no. Please no. Not right now.

"Bae!" Nyzeir yelled a little

"Yeah baby." I said

"What going on?" He said

"Just using the bathroom babe go back to sleep!" I said back.

He didn't respond so I guess he listened.

I can't believe I really think I'm pregnant my body feel so different it doesn't feel like a normal sick and all the symptoms are there and that fucking dream! I just don't know what I'ma do like how the fuck did I even get here was I really all of that!

I should've listened to my momma and stopped being fast but now here I am a fast heffa probably pregnant.

I started to tear up. Next thing I need I was full blown silent crying. Can't believe I slipped up fuck.

"Baby why are you crying mama." Nyzeir said walking into the bathroom.

I tried to hurry and wipe my tears before he could see.

"Un un don't wipe your tears what's wrong." He said.

"It's nothing nyzeir im ok really I am." I said standing up to leave.

He closed the door and picked me up and put me on the counter.

"We not leaving till you tell me im here for you baby thru whatever." He said holding me by my waist.

I leaned towards him until my face was in his neck.

"I think im pregnant." I whispered low but loud enough so he can hear it I felt his breath stop.

He leaned back and looked and me "You for real?" He asked. I nodded my head yes.

He put his hand on my stomach and started to rub it and then smiled "My seed I did right this time huh I'm funna be a daddy. You need to take a test today so we can know for sure and then you can set appointments up." He said continuously rubbing my stomach

He started placing kisses on my neck saying things like "I can't wait for you to have my baby" or "We a family now" "Marriage next baby" .

It made me feel like maybe this baby won't be so bad after all.


Positive. Positive. Positive.

All three test say positive and nyzeir was smiling harder than ever. Me on the other hand not so much. I was so young. Too young actually. Still in school. I know he loves me but what about when I'm fat and pregnant and can't see my feet. My body going through all those changes.

And Twins. That's always a possibility and the way he busses it in me I wouldn't be surprised!

"Baby you don't look happy." He said cutting me out of my thoughts.

"I'm happy baby it's just a lot I didn't expect it so soon." I said honestly

"Your gonna be a great mom." He said hugging me and keeping me near him he knew I was about to break down.

"I don't know babe I don't know if I can do it
what if I'm not good enough this baby deserves the best mom what if im not her." I said looking up and him with tears in my eyes.

"None of the parenting stuff come with a handbook you know what u didn't like when it came to ur parents so u already know what not to do." He said wiping my tears away.

"And plus your not doing it alone ima be right here Ian going no where even when u think that your fat and unattractive ima still think your the best girl in the world and nobody will ever be able to top you." He said giving me kisses on my lips

"Thank you baby I love you."

"I love you too mama I swear we gone be good." he said putting his forehead to mine. I nodded


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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