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It's been 2 days since the whole incident and my mom and aunts have been tryna contact me non stop I'm suprised my dad didn't call me tho more then ever but I decided to take it slow one at a time the first person call I answered was Peyton's


"Omg yasmine hi I haven't talked to you in forever I miss you so much it's lonely here mama T and dad are barely here and when they are there arguing about you" she said

"I'm sorry about that" I said

"Yasmine you were supposed to be my big sister and you just left me here by myself I don't know anybody at school except for our group and I can't even hang with them because it's awkward because they don't want to make you mad by hanging with me I'm tired of us arguing I just want my sister back I'm sorry" she said

"I'm sorry to peyton I'm sorry I didn't see your feelings in this whole thing I love you more than anything and your my sister most importantly my bestfreind I have missed you so much I miss when we used to stay up late nights talking about everybody behind there backs I miss when we used to take daddy's credit card and shop till we couldn't anymore I miss our bond" I said

"I do too and I love you sis just come back home please for me" she begged

"Ima see what I can do I'll come over today talk to mom and dad and see what I can do" I said

"Thank you... so how has it been living with Mandingo" she said

"Well it's been great we do it like twice everyday couldn't be happier it's like we're a married couple but his dad came over a couple days ago and told me that nyzeir was selling I couldn't believe he didn't tell me I was mad at him but I got over it he said he was going to stop when he graduated" I said

"You didn't know nyzeir was a dealer i thought you knew because everybody knows Derrick be helping him I don't have a problem with it as long as he come back home in one piece at first I didn't want him to but then I had to understand where he was coming from"

"So your just ok with him doing that what if he gets killed or what if you get harmed what about your future kids" I asked

"Well when I continued to be in a relationship after he told me I accepted the fact that those things may happen but I love him so much that I don't care I told him we're gonna do this together even tho I don't sell nothing I'm his emotional support" she said

"Does dad know" I asked

"HELLLL NOO" she said

"And we not telling him either or your mom"

"I agree they would kill us"

"Right with you already practically running away with nyzeir and having sex with him at 17 I think that might just be the cherry on top" she said laughing

"Naww if he found about that you and Derrick was fucking they would go crazy" I said laughing

"True true" she said laughing

"I miss this" I said

"Me too"

"Ima come over later on today when mom and dad not home tell me when they leave I'll bring nyzeir" I said

"I can invite derrick dad is warming up to him"

"Good atleast he is warming up to somebody"

"He thinks nyzeir is a bad influence on me and that I would be better off without him" I said

"But nyzeir is a sweetheart and he actually keeps you in check more than taking you out of check"

"That's what I'm saying"

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