Heat Helpers

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"I can't believe we're here again!" Izuku tapped his shot glass down on the table. "What is wrong with them?! They're all garbage!" The omega said slightly tipsy.

"They are garbage! You and me, we are the cream of the omega crop Zuzu, yet here we are on a Saturday night drinking out of frustration".

"You're wonderful Camie. You're so pretty too. I wish I'd been born an alpha. I would have claimed you in a heartbeat". Izuku and his best friend, a fellow omega named Camie Utsushimi, once again found themselves at their favorite omega bar. It's a safe place for omegas to come and drink without worrying about Alphas coming on to them.

"You're so sweet ZuZu. I would marry you too, if you had a bigger dingle" Camie said sticking out her pinkie chuckling.

Izuku irrupted into laughter. "I know! Ha! Why do we male omegas even have one if they're gonna be so small?! I mean..what's the point?". They ordered another round of shots and went over the horror that is their dating life. "So this alpha I was out with actually thought he could use his pheromones on me!".

"What?! Not cool. I hope you called him out on it".

"I did! Publicly too" Izuku snorted. "These alphas don't even remember we have vaccines that make their pheromones ineffective. Phsh! Please".

"So ZuZu, we've been friends for a while, but you've never told me about your heats. How do you deal with them?" Camie asked taking another quick shot.

"You can't trust them to help you out, because they'll want to knot you. Stupid alphas. I end up taking suppressants or act out a western".

"A western" Camie asked confused.

"I ride a dildo. Yipee Ki-Yay!". Izuku said throwing a pretend lasso around his head.

Camie spit out her drink she was laughing so hard. " Oh my god Zuzu! Stop! You're making me laugh too hard!". She looked at her friend with a fond smile. Izuku really is a great person. He's smart, sweet and very attractive. "Can I tell you my secret?" she said scooting closer to Izuku. The emerald eyed omega leaned in closer. "I rent an alpha for my heats".

"What?! You can do that?".

"Shhh. Yes. My step mom gave me the number after she found me suffering through one of my heats. ZuZu, this place is amazing. I've only been going for a couple months".

"How does it work?" Izuku sat up, excited at the thought.

"First of all, all of their alphas are dominant. They won't let our heat pheromones overwhelm them. There is a no marking, no knotting guarantee. You just need to make an appointment, show up, they take you to a room and the alpha comes in and bones you down good".

"But a dominant alpha....aren't their dingles?" Izuku flopped down his arm on the table.

Camie burst out laughing again "Oh ZuZu! Whooo! You crack me up, but to answer your question, yes, yes they are".

"So you've done it a couple times?". "Yeah, and until I find my mate, I'm gonna keep going".

Izuku sat back thinking it over. "Give me the number".————————————————————————————

Katsuki Bakugo looked at himself in the mirror with a smirk on his face. The dominant alpha knows he is sexy AF and can't wait to get to work. He's the most popular alpha at the Heat Agency. Not a day goes by that he isn't balls deep into some omega. Not only is Katsuki handsome, but he's a fantastic fuck. He makes a very good living helping omegas during their heat.

"Good morning Bakugo" His boss, Uraraka Ochako, smiled at him. "Can we talk for a minute?".

Katsuki nodded wondering what she could want. His boss hardly ever speaks with any of the alphas unless there is some kind of problem. He couldn't think of anything he had done wrong.

"Relax Bakugo. Have a seat" she gestured towards a seat in front of her desk. "You have a new client today. A 24 year old male omega. His name is Izuku Midoriya". Katsuki's eyes lit up. A male omega? They are rare and definitely Katsuki's type. "That's what I thought" Ochako sighed. "I know you've heard rumors about my match making abilities, right?". Katsuki nodded. He had, but he didn't believe in such things. "I believe this omega is your soulmate. I felt it the moment I shook his hand. I'm not selfish enough to keep you two apart, but I bet good money that I am about to lose my top alpha".

"What makes you so sure he's my mate?".

"Everybody gives off energy waves, Bakugo" Ochako explained. "Soulmates give off the same waves. It's hard to explain. It's like....your auras match".

"So, this male omega is my soulmate?" He smirked unbelieving. Now he wanted to meet this omega even more. None had held his attention before and he couldn't wait to prove his boss wrong.

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