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"Kacchan " Izuku shook his mate awake. "We need to shower and get dressed. We're meeting with Camie in an hour".

"Mmmm" Katsuki stretched. "What the hell?!" He flinched feeling something soft bush against his hip. He looked down at the fluffy orange cat who was giving him a look of deep disappointment. Katsuki felt the cat was judging his naked state.

"His name is Crookshanks. He's not really my cat. More like a neighborhood stray. I tried adopting him, but he never wanted to stay indoors. So I leave cat food for him. Looking at how fluffy he is, I'm sure I'm not the only one who does" Izuku explained scratching the cat behind the ears.

"Speaking of an itch that needs to be scratched" Katsuki smirked pointing at his erection. "You need to take responsibility for this, you little minx".

"Kacchan!" Izuku blushed rushing into the house laughing. His alpha right on his heels. "Stop!" He giggled coving his ass. "We can't right now". 

"How can you tease me with that fabulous ass of yours. I could spend all day eating it, making you cum over and over while my cock is pounding against your sweet spot".

"Kacchan" Izuku's heart started racing, slick running down his leg at his mates filthy talk. 

"You like that pup? You like when I tell you your slick tastes like honey? That I love taking your cock in my mouth while caressing your balls?" Katsuki was behind Izuku whispering in his ear. More slick dripped down the omegas legs. "Why don't you show me how you eat dick, Freckles. Take me into that sexy mouth. I can't wait to see those plump lips wrapped around my cock".

Izuku could barely breath. His mates sexual voracity was sent straight to his own body. "Kacchan" Izuku said as he slid to his knees. The omega took Katsuki's large shaft into his hands, stroking it firmly. "Wait a minute" he said reaching around back covering his hands with his own slick. Izuku could now easily glide his hands back and forth making his alpha moan. The omega took the large tip into his mouth, Katsuki's pleasure zipping down Izuku's body heating up his own penis. Not only could the omega take in Katsuki's entire shaft from behind, but up front as well, having no gag reflex. Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki's waist and slowly pushed his mates cock down his throat. He made sure to relax his throat and breath through his nose. 

"Mmm" he hummed sending vibrations to Katsuki's throbbing manhood. The alpha gasped holding onto Izuku's hair softly. "I guess he likes that" Izuku inwardly smirked. "Well then I better" he started purring while pushing his mates cock in and out of his mouth. The sensation was too much for the alpha. He had never had a blowie like this before. He watched as his shaft slipped through those full lips spread wide. Izuku looked him in the eyes, Katsuki could see mischief in those emerald orbs. Izuku purred even stronger. The heat and vibrations along with their mutual pleasure made Katsuki snarl as he held Izuku's head, his cum shooting down his mates throat. Once again they both drifted off into darkness.

"Shit! Kacchan wake up! We've only got 10 minutes to get to the restaurant and were both covered in slick and cum!". 

"How far away is the restaurant?". 

"It's just down the street, but we need to shower. We smell like sex". They scurried to the bathroom and took the shortest shower in history. Izuku whined when he couldn't reach deep enough to remove the semen out of his ass. Katsuki turned him around to help out. His fingers diving in deep. "Shit!" Izuku cursed his body. He was turned on again. "Fuck me fast alpha". Katsuki didn't need to be told twice. In less that two minutes they were both shaking with release.

Izuku's phone dinged. "That's probably Camie!" Izuki snatched his towel running toward his phone. "Oh my goodness" he huffed "She's running a half our late". 

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