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"Shit, you feel so good Freckles. It seems like years since we've done this" Katsuki kissed Izuku's back while thrusting into his mate's tight heat. He was so close to his release, he couldn't help biting his omega's shoulder.

"What, ah, are you, mmmm, talking about? We, ah,ah, mmmm, do it all the time". Izuku grabbed the bed sheets, his sweat dripping onto the covers. "Feels good, Alpha".

"Fuck, Kitten. I missed hearing your noises". He thrust in faster making sure to hit his mate's prostate. "We always have to keep it down". He turned Izuku's face towards him so they could give each other a long wet kiss. Izuku dropped down panting, his face flushed with pleasure. "This ass, Kitten. It just keeps getting better".

Izuku arched his back more, giving his mate a better view of his plump rear. Katsuki kneaded those fat cheeks roughly, growling while his dick rammed inside, hitting that sweet spot.

"Kacchan, I'm gonna cum!". Katsuki's dick felt like it was being suffocated by his mates muscles. He held on while his mate rode out his orgasm. Slick gushed out of Izuku, the smell driving the alpha wild. A few uneven thrusts more and Katsuki too found his release.

Katsuki gathered up his mate and took him over to the bathtub. He filled up the tub with hot water and when it was ready, they both sank in, sighing with pleasure. "It's so quiet without the kids" Izuku said lacing their fingers together." Are you ok? I mean, about our kids spending the weekend with your parents".

"I guess so". 

About three years ago, Katsuki had taken Diana and Haruki downtown to an anime plushy store. It was on the street that they happened to bump into Katsuki's parents. He was planning on ignoring them, when Diana piped up. "You look like my Daddy".

 Mitzuki broke down, getting on her knees to take a good look at the child. "Don't cry" Haruki said holding out his tiny hand to a person he had never met. Masaru looked at his son and back to his grand kids with so much longing, that Katsuki ended up relenting.

"I haven't lost my anger completely, but they seem to be trying with our kids. It's funny, knowing Diana is there, I know she will be in charge of what happens and give zero fucks about offending anyone. That girl planned their entire weekend, because, she said right to my dad's face, "You Geezers don't know what's fun for kids".

"They've showed up for games, recitals, school concerts and birthday parties. I don't know, Freckles" he said holding his mate tighter "It feels kinda good letting go of all that anger".

"You're a good man, Kacchan. I can tell they love their grand kids. They've loosened up a lot too, since they started going to therapy. It goes to show that if someone wants to change, they can".

"I'm just glad our monsters have your parents influence too. They have the best time vacationing at the beach. Diana actually acts like a kid and not a leader, and they bring Haruki out of his shell. Your parents really are amazing".

"I guess they are" Izuku chuckled "Although the stories they share can be inappropriate". 

The water sloshed around caused by the alpha laughing hard behind his mate. "We were so embarrassed when Diana told her friends the story grandpa told her about the fart that wasn't just air. She said her grandpa said to never trust a fart because it could end up being a shart that will stain your underwear!".

"Oh god, that was humiliating!" Izuku wheezed. "My parents are a bottomless pit of embarrassment".

Over the next several years, things changed as they normally do. Diana was now a high school senior. She had grown up to be a six foot, muscular goddess. She still goes to the University every six months, but one thing has changed with these visits that Katsuki and Izuku aren't too pleased with.

"I'm 18, Dad. If I want to show them my junk I will. I'm not ashamed. Hell, I'm a heat partner for five omegas at my school" she smirked. "I hear they have a new research assistant at the university. He's a male omega and he's supposed to be hot".

"Speaking of omegas" Diana glared over at her brother. "Haruki, where do you think you're going dressed like that?!".

"I hope you're not saying I'm dressed like a slut, because I grabbed these clothes from Dad's closet".

"Judging from the noises I hear coming from their room, It's safe to say, that yes, our dad is a slut".

"Diana!" Izuku snarled.

"You like it when I call you a filthy slut, Kitten" Katsuki whispered in Izuku's ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"Not the point, Kacchan!" he hissed.

"Can I at least scent you before you go out?" Diana grabbed her brother in her arms. "Alphas are always checking you out. It's creepy".

"Fine. Do you mind scenting my friend Gabriella? She's really pretty and alphas bother her too".

"That fine Latina little thing? Yeah, I'll scent her. Send her my way if she needs a heat partner".

Turns out that new research assistant would end up being Diana's fated mate. They moved into Izuku's house while Diana attended her first year of college. She plans on getting a business degree. Haruki would meet his fated mate in culinary school. His goal is to one day take over the family bakery when his parents retire, but he wants to turn it into a café.

Haruki moved into his mate's apartment to be closer to school. Diana and her mate would move out a year later, when the omega got a full time research job at the university. Once they had waved their last child out the door, Katsuki and Izuku tore off their clothes and celebrated in every room of their house. 

The happy couple continued to bake together for many more years. They grew old surrounded by their grandchildren. Then one night, they laid down facing each other holding hands while they drifted off. Their last breaths ending together.

The End.

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