Can't get Enough

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Izuku woke up after their last round of soulmate sex. He scooted over wanting cuddles from his alpha, who was still asleep. "Who would have thought, when I came here today, that I would meet my fated mate?" He thought purring contently. "We've been going at it like crazy so I haven't really learned anything about him yet. We're mates now, I guess there will be plenty of time for that. We wouldn't be fated if we were wrong for each other.

"Hello again" Katsuki said, wrapping his arms around his omega. "Hi" Izuku replied caressing his alphas chest. "I think my heat is over". Izuku hoped so. He was feeling very tender downstairs.

"To bad" Katsuki whispered in Izuku's ear biting it gently.

"Stop" he whined "No more for now". Yet his traitorous body was already getting wet again.

"Oh yeah? That's not what it's saying down here" Katsuki said rubbing his erection around his mates warm entrance. "Oh god this feels good" Katsuki huffed as he pushed himself inside his mate. "I can't get enough". 

Izuku gasped, a sweet mix of pain and pleasure coursed through his body. Katsuki was lost, giving in entirely to his bodies needs. Izuku felt every thrust that dragged over his sensitive opening. Katsuki stopped, he was panting, trying to get himself under control. "I'm sorry Freckles. We can stop. I can feel that it's hurting you". 

"It's only a little painful, but it feels good too" he admitted shyly.

"A little is already too much. Let's just cuddle" Katsuki said slowly pulling out.

Izuku yanked on his mates ear "I said it feels good. Don't you dare stop fucking me, Alpha!". 

Katsuki knew his omega was going to be feisty, but he had no idea how much of a firecracker he actually is. Izuku pushed Katsuki onto his back before moving up and down on his alpha's shaft. "This is mine" he said pointing at Katsuki's dick. "I get it whenever and however many times I want".

"Fuck" Katsuki grinned, watching his beautiful tiny omega bossing him around. Izuku leaned back resting his hands on Katsuki's thighs. He spread his legs wide giving his alpha a good view of Katsuki's shaft gliding in and out, it's length glistening with slick. Katsuki had never seen anything so sexy. He couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing his omega's waist, he plunged himself deeply hitting that sweet spot.

 Izuku could only hold on to Katsuki's shoulders as he was thrust into rapidly. "Ah! Alpha! So close" he moaned. His orgasm seconds away.

"Shit. Me too, Pup". Izuku's cock released a tiny bit of cum. He was surprised he had any left to give. Katsuki came seconds later, his seed filling up his mate. 

"Man" he huffed. "If you're not pregnant after this it would be a miracle".

Izuku laughed, his head resting on his alpha's sweaty chest. "Katsuki's pup. I could be pregnant right now" he purred loving the thought of caring his alpha's child. Katsuki scooped up his omega, bringing him to bathroom so he could shower. 

After drying off, Izuku picked up his phone, surprised at all the texts he had missed from Camie. The last one she sent sounded like she was really worried so Izuku called her right away.

"ZuZu, thank god! I've been so worried. Why didn't you respond to any of my texts?".

"Sorry Camie! I have a really good reason".

"Hmph! It better be. I almost went to the police station to file a missing person's report".

"Stop exaggerating" he chuckled. "I'm still at the heat clinic". 

"Why? Your heat should have been gone after cumming". 

"I want to explain, but can we meet for dinner? I want to tell you in person". 

"Well, now you've got me curious. Since you nearly gave me a heart attack, I think I deserve dinner at Barcelonas. And I'm going to get an expensive glass of wine to go with my pasta primavera". 

"Trust me, you deserve that and so much more". 

"Oh man! I should have asked for a vacation to the Bahamas".

Izuku chuckled "I'll see you at 7". Izuku hung up smiling to himself. He couldn't wait to see the look on Camie's face when she hears the good news.

"Ditching me already?" Katsuki pouted, siting at the edge of the bed.

"Of course not" Izuku said sitting on his lap. He cradled Katsuki's face in his hands giving him a deep kiss. His alpha was looking so hot in his jeans and tight black t-shirt. "You're coming with me. I don't think I could stand being away from you for even a single second". It wasn't long before Katsuki was once again thrusting into his mate wildly. Their mutual hunger still not being thoroughly satisfied. 

"Phew! Kacchan! Oh my god! We need to get out of this room" Izuku said crawling towards the bathroom to clean himself up. "I need to get home and change".

"Thank goodness I have a change of clothing here" Katsuki smirked looking at his torn shirt. Izuku had ripped it during his orgasm. "Can I take you home?". 

"I drove here" Izuku shouted from the bathroom. "Why don't you follow me and then we can go to the restaurant together".

"Sounds like a plan" he responded. Katsuki couldn't stop smiling. He was feeling amazing and couldn't wait to start his new life with his omega by his side. He needed to think about what he was going to do now that he wouldn't be working here anymore. 

"Ok. I'm ready to go" Izuku said fluffing up his hair.

"I'll meet you up front. I just need to grab a new shirt from my locker". 

Izuku waited patiently for his alpha. He scrolled through social media, laughing at the memes and puns on his feed. "What's so funny" Katsuki murmured sexily in Izuku's ear making the omega shiver.

"Just some puns. I love them even though people think they're awful".

"Let's hear one" Katsuki grinned.

"Ok" he smiled mischievously. "I should really stop telling sewing jokes. I'm running out of material". Katsuki's face fell. He couldn't help rolling his eyes. "That's the look!" Izuku chortled. "That's how you know the pun is good".

"Maybe you're not my soulmate after all" Katsuki said grabbing Izuku's hand. 

"I mate not be". That earned the omega another eye roll. 

"Come on, Nerd. Let's get you home".

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