Pleasant Surprise

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"Kacsham, if zime so ho" Izuku said with a large donut in his mouth.

"Don't you know it's rude to speak with your mouth full, Freckles" Katsuki teased.

"Whaeva" Izuku glared, dusting off powdered sugar from his shirt. The omega is now 5 months pregnant and already uncomfortable. Since he is a petite 5'2", the baby has no room to grow but out. Izuku looked like he was carrying a large beach ball tucked under his shirt.

"You excited to see our baby for the first time, Kitten?".

"You bet!" Izuku replied, rubbing his huge belly. "I can't wait to get our first look at baby Haruki".

Katsuki kissed his mate's sugar dusted lips. He helped Izuku into the passenger seat of their car and fastened his seat belt.

"I can still do that myself, Alpha" Izuku grumbled. His mate was treating him like a fragile piece of glass. It was bad enough that he could no longer put on his own socks and shoes, but this he could have done on his own.

"Three more months, Kitten. Let me take care of you while you're pregnant. You're doing all the work growing our baby, this way I feel like I'm doing a small part".

Izuku burst out in tears "Why do you have to say such sweet things?!".

Katsuki grinned, starting up the car. His omega was an emotional basket case. One minute he was happy, then the next he was crying over burning his toast. His mate was also super horny, but made Katsuki take him gently, then gets mad at him for holding back.

"In four months" he thought. "In four months I'm gonna fuck you so hard".

It was a quick 15 minute drive to their doctor's office, but Izuku fell asleep on the way. The omega found himself tired most of the day. More so now that he couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in.

"Babe, we're here" Katsuki gently shook his mate awake.

"Huh? What?" Izuku looked around, temporarily forgetting where he was. Katsuki got out of the car and ran around to open Izuku's door. Using both hands he helped his mate get out of the car.

"I'm as big as a house" Izuku sniffled, tugging at his shirt.

"You're beautiful, Kitten. The most precious Omega".

Izuku purred, grabbing Katsuki's hand. The walked into the clinic where the receptionist greeted them warmly.

"Hello Bakugo's! Todays the big day!".

Izuku smiled at his fellow omega. "I can't wait to see our big fella".

"Have a seat. The doctor will be right out".

Katsuki helped his mate into a comfy recliner that was perfect for pregnant omegas to get off their feet. He had just gotten situated with a magazine when the doctor came out to take them to the back. "Perfect timing Doc" Izuku said sarcastically.

Katsuki once again helped his mate out of his seat. Izuku grabbed his belly trying to balance himself. The doctor showed them to a room and told Izuku to lay down on the examination table. 

"So how are you feeling today Mr. Bakugo?".

"I'm doing as well as could be expected with a giant belly knocking everything over and making me have cravings for ice cream and sex" he grumbled.

"Well that sounds about normal. I'm going to put some of this jelly on your stomach and we'll be using this 3D ultrasound machine to see your baby. It's a much clearer picture than a regular ultrasound".

"That's cold!" Izuku shuddered when the doc squirted the jelly on his stomach.

"Sorry about that". The doctor moved the wand around, searching for a good view of the fetus. He suddenly leaned closely at the screen, utter shock on his face. "Holy Shit!". He looked at the couple blushing. "Sorry about my language, but this is amazing".

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