The Kids

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"Daddy watch me!". Katsuki grinned as his 7 year old daughter, Diana, swung across the monkey bars with ease. She swung back and forth, her legs swinging higher and higher until she arched her back and let go. She flew into the air then landed on one knee, her fists by her side. "Super hero landing!" She shrieked, running over to her dad. "I looked cool, huh Daddy?".

"Of course, Sweetheart".

"Daddy, my name is Diana. Princess Diana of Themyscira" she said walking around regally, her hands on her hips.

"I like your costume" a young beta trotted over to talk to Diana.

"Right! My dad made it for me. It's a Wonder Woman costume" she explained twirling around. "She's a bad ass bitch, right Daddy?".

"We only use that language at home, Brat" Katsuki scolded.

"You wanna play with us over there?" the beta asked pointing towards the slide.

"Only if I'm the leader" she said puffing up her chest.

"Cool" he said blushing at Diana.

Katsuki rolled his eyes as yet another young pup became smitten with his daughter. As he watched her, he thought back to the day she was born. They had to schedule a cesarean because Izuku couldn't give birth any other way. 

They had decided to allow doctors to record and be present for the birth of their child, because the information might be able to help another couple in the future. In exchange for a full scholarship to any college in the world, doctors would be allowed to monitor her growth, intelligence and hormones.

Diana was always happy to be the center of attention and enjoyed going to the university every six months. Katsuki and Izuku absolutely drew the line at examining their child's private parts. Although they did consent to one x-ray photo.

"Hi Kacchan" Izuku joined him, carrying a cute bundle on his hip. "Haruki wanted to finish decorating his cookies before coming to the park".

"Oh yeah" Katsuki took his omega son into his arms, planting kisses all over his face.

"Daddy, I can't breathe!" Haruki said pushing his father's face away. Haruki and Diana are siblings, but they are as different as night and day. They do look alike, both taking after Katsuki, but their personalities are polar opposites.

Diana, being a dominant alpha, is loud, brash, and aggressive. While Haruki, being an omega, is shy and a bit timid. Both have blonde hair and Izuku's nose, but Haruki has red eyes, while Diana has green mixed with red.

"KiKi!" Diana came running over to her little brother. "Bout time you got here. You want me to push you on the swings?".

"Sure" he smiled up at his big sister who he adored. "Not too high this time, Alpha".

Diana lifted her chin up higher. She loved being called an alpha. She knew she was one of a kind and relished the attention it brought her.

The Next Morning

"Diana, hurry up Princess. You don't want to be late for your first day of school" Izuku called down the hall holding his daughter's backpack.

"Just a second! Dad is fixing my hair". 

Izuku smiled, wondering how his mate had fixed Diana's hair this time. Katsuki had found a YouTube channel of a father who fixes his daughter's hair in fancy ways. The alpha challenged himself to recreate the looks in Diana's hair.

Diana walked out of her room with a smug look on her face. Her waist length hair was styled in a French braid with pretty butterfly clips placed here and there. The young alpha twirled around before taking her backpack. "Dad did a good job, huh? I look good".

Izuku wished he had half his daughter's confidence. She definitely gets that from Katsuki. "Yeah you do!". 

Katsuki smirked giving his daughter a high five. "I bet you're gonna have an omega by the end of the day".

"An omega, Old Man? Please, I'll have at least 3". 

Izuku glared at his mate and his daughter. "Diana, omegas aren't toys you can play with. Would you be ok with an alpha talking about Haruki that way?".

"I'd Kill them!" she snarled. "Anyway" she said straightening up her blouse. "I'm just joking around with dad".

"Mmmhmmm" Izuku said unconvinced. "I sent our family photo to your teacher this morning. Apparently, you kids need to introduce yourselves and talk a bit about your families".

"No problem. I'll make sure everyone remembers my name". Izuku sighed as he kissed his daughter goodbye. Katsuki winked, taking his daughter's hand as they walked to school together. He dropped Diana off inside her classroom, he wanted to introduce himself to her teacher.

"Diana's a spitfire. She's respectful, but let us know if she gets out of hand". 

The teacher nodded, looking at the beautiful young girl who is taller than her classmates. "She must get her height from her father" the teacher thought. "Ok, Class. Everyone take your seats. My name is Rowena Asui. You will call me Ms. Asui. When I call your name you will come up front, tell us your name, secondary gender and a bit about your family".

Diana knew she was going to be one of the first called because her last name begins with a B. Sure enough. "Bakugo, Diana". She sauntered up front oozing bravado, giving her classmates a winning smile.

"Good morning, Extras. I'm Diana Xena Bakugo. I'm named after hardcore warrior princesses. Like them, I'm one of a kind. My secondary gender is Dominant Alpha".

"No you're not" A beta in the front row said. "Only boys are dominant alphas. Stop lying".

Diana's smile faded as she walked over to the young boy's desk. "You wanna say that again?". Strong dominant pheromones hit the beta making him tremble in his seat. Diana stopped her pheromones, smirking down at the beta. "I don't lie. Lying is for the weak".

She walked up front again. "Like I was saying, I'm a dominant alpha. My doctors tell me there are only a handful of us in the world. I'm as strong as any male alpha, so you know you'll always be safe next to me".

"Here is the picture my dad sent in. The big alpha is my dad Katsuki Bakugo. The grown omega is my other dad, Izuku Bakugo. This little cutie right there is my brother Haruki. He's an omega, and I'll thrash anybody who dares touch him" she snarled. 

Shaking it off, she smiled again. "Our family owns Bakugo's Bakery downtown. My Papa makes the cakes for celebrities, wedding and birthdays. My other dad and Haruki make pies and stuff. I help out making bread. I love pounding the dough. It helps when I get pissed off. So that's my family. Two alphas, two omegas and a bakery. Stop by sometime and my dad will give you a free cookie".

As Diana walked back to her seat, she stopped by the young beta's desk. "Hey, no hard feelings. You're actually kinda cute" she said running her thumb over his bottom lip. She winked at him leaving him a blushing mess. It didn't take long for Diana to become queen of her classroom.

Next chapter is the epilogue.

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