Party Time!

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Izuku kept glancing down at the beautiful ring that sparkled in the sunlight. The ring is what was in the present Katsuki's parents had given him. The alpha had been surprised when he opened the box, but smiled warmly when he put the ring on Izuku's finger.

"I fucking loved my grandma. I would go to her house every summer vacation, winter and spring breaks as well. She is the reason I became interested in baking. We would sing together while making biscuits. She would tell me stories of when she was little. Fuck, I really miss her. She made the best peach cobbler. I should make that for you sometime".

Katsuki sat back on the couch, his eyes looking off into the distance as he remembered her. "She was the only person that I felt truly loved me. She would yell at my parents, telling them she was going to take me away from them and raise me herself. I really wanted that, Freckles. I wanted to stay with her forever, but sadly, she got sick. Fucking breast cancer. I remember crying at the funeral. I couldn't stop crying for about a week, but my parents threatened to send me away to boarding school if I didn't stop. Assholes".

"There is a note in the jewelry box that says these diamonds have been passed down from the last 5 generations. I guess we have to change the ring band after a while. The diamonds can come loose if the prongs are old. This ring doesn't look too old, but we should still replace the band to something that is more your style".

"We need to get you a ring too, Alpha. It's a symbol of our commitment". (And a way to let others know that you are off the market) he thought slyly.

Katsuki could read his mate like a book. "I don't need a ring to show I'm taken, Kitten. All anybody has to do is take a look at my neck that's been marked the fuck up" he said pointing to his bite mark.

"At least I only bit you that one time" Izuku replied saucily. "You've marked me twice!"

Katsuki leaned down, growling low near Izuku's ear. The omega instinctually tilted his head, exposing his scent gland. 

Katsuki kissed the scar, running his tongue over the raised skin. "You think people are only looking at me with interest? Do you know how many alphas I've seen drooling over that thick ass of yours? I've heard them talking about how sexy you are and wishing that pup inside you was theirs. I've heard the filthiest things about wanting to lick your tight hole and fuck you until you cry".

"Alpha" Izuku moaned, holding onto Katsuki's shoulders as his mate whispered dirty things in his ear.

"My cock is the only one that gets to be inside you, stretching you out, making you cum over and over".

Izuku snarled, grabbing Katsuki's hair, tugging is harshly. "Take responsibility, Kacchan".

"With pleasure".

An hour later a very messy haired omega walked into the kitchen and opened up the refrigerator. "Sex makes me so hungry". He grabbed all the ingredients needed to make a turkey sandwich, then waddled over to the counter and put everything down. "Kacchan, do you want a sandwich?" he called down the hall.

"Freckles, it's almost midnight" his mate replied groggily. "Come back to bed".

"It's your fault I'm hungry. Never give my ass a break. Always pounding me day and night. Getting me all wet with that sexy body. No wonder I'm getting so big" Izuku mumbled to himself while spreading mustard on the bread. As he munched away, he thought about the party he was throwing this next evening. Everybody on the list his mate had given him would be attending. Since there would be over 50 people, Izuku decided to rent a ballroom at a nearby hotel.

 Everything had already been set up for the party. The only thing that would be arriving today is the food and wet bar. Since families would be attending, Izuku decided against a DJ, but instead hired a band that covers 80's music. He also hired a string quartet to play during dinner. 

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