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"How can this be?! I was only knotted this morning? Sure we had lots of sex, but to already be pregnant?".

"I'm a dominant alpha, Freckles. You were in heat and released an egg. As soon as it was fertilized it attached to your uterus. The process began so quickly because my pup will be larger than average. It's kinda hard to explain. Hormones, growth, development all increase rapidly when the pup's alpha is dominant".

Izuku looked at the few pink strands in his hair, smiling as he ran his fingers over them. "Does this mean our pup will be a dominant alpha as well?".

"Given that you already have a couple strands of pink hair, it's a pretty good chance that it will be". 

When an omega gets pregnant a weird natural phenomenon occurs. One strip of their hair, about an inch wide, changes to the color pink. It starts at the root and the further along in the pregnancy the color travels all the way down to the tips. When an omega is carrying a dominant alpha, the strip is wider and the total color change only takes about a month instead of the usual three. It's theorized that the color change is to let people know that the omega is pregnant and to treat them especially kind and careful. In their society, nothing is more precious than a pregnant omega.

"Ummm" Izuku started timidly. "How do you feel about this, Alpha? We've just met. I don't even know your birthday, and I'm already pregnant".

"I know it's all so sudden and I was irresponsible for not wearing a condom, but at the same time, how could I not be happy? My beautiful omega is carrying my pup. By the way, my birthday is April 20th".

"That's coming up soon! You need to give me names and numbers of your friends and family. I love planning parties!" He chirped happily. Izuku rushed into his office and grabbed a notebook off his desk.

Katsuki smiled as he watched his mate mumbling away making a check list of everything they will need for his party. Ordinarily he and his buddies would go out to eat and then hit up their friend Sero's bar and get waisted. "Sero always made sure me and my Idiot friends made it home safely. He knew when to tell us to get lost. It was usually after we sang 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey, badly. The customers loved it, only because the group of us alphas are attractive" Katsuki thought, remembering those times fondly.

Katsuki's face fell at the thought of those same friends coming to his party. They would surely tell stories about him that his mate should never hear. They are just too embarrassing. He had done a few things that he was ashamed of and one of them landed him in jail overnight. He felt guilty, but he would use his mates pregnancy as a way to keep his friends in check. He would remind them that upsetting his omega could harm the baby.

"Hey Babe. Are you allergic to any foods? I need to know if you or any guest have special dietary needs. When do you think you can get me that list?".

Katsuki was drawn away from his memories and brought back to the present. "My list won't be very long, Freckles. I have like 15 good friends and I'm not close with any of my family".

"15 is a lot" Izuku smiled. "Most people only have 2 to 4 good friends".

"Most are my buddies are from High School and Culinary school. I should invite my friends from work too. There are seven of us. So that's 21, but you should find out if they'll be bringing a plus 1. I think I can get you that list by tomorrow".

"Perfect" Izuku said giving him a quick peck. As he walked towards their bedroom he hesitantly asked "Ummm. Can I have your parents info too? I think I should have it just in case of some kind of emergency".

Katsuki frowned but nodded his head. If he were to be hurt or worse, his mate will want to let his in-laws know. "Sure, Freckles. I should probably write them about us and the baby. They probably won't care, but I'll send it anyway".

"How could any parent not want to be a part of their child's life?" Izuku wondered. "My alpha must have had a lonely home life. Well, I will just have to give him extra love to help make up for it".

"I'm really tired, Kacchan. Can we go to bed now? I want cuddles". They put on their pajamas and crawled into bed. They fell asleep in each other's arms, Katsuki's hand resting gently on his omega's belly. 

Izuku was glad that Katsuki is a morning person like himself. Luisa and Maritza, the twin omegas, are the opposite. Because they have to wake up extra early to make donuts, they are grumpy until they've had at least two cups of coffee. Izuku makes sure to arrive at least an hour after the twins do.

After bathing and getting dressed, Izuku headed towards the kitchen to start making breakfast. To his pleasant surprise, he found his mate already cooking up a feast. "Can an omega get any luckier than this?!" Izuku smiled, hugging Katsuki from behind.

"Good morning, Freckles. You better get used to this. I fully intend to spoil you with food".

"Just food?" Izuku purred, rubbing his alpha's thighs.

"Fuck" Katsuki said turning around to kiss his mate quickly. "I would take you right here, but the eggs will be burnt to a crisp".

"I guess I'll have to behave" Izuku said huskily. "For now". 

The alpha growled low trying to control his instincts to mate. Instead he took the time to plate their breakfast artfully. He even diced chives and sprinkled them over their poached eggs. The look on his omega's face told him all that he needed to know.

"Kacchan! This looks and smells so good!". Izuku dug in humming contently. His phone dinged with a new text message. "Can you read it to me?" He asked with his mouth full. 

Katsuki chuckled at how cute his mate looked with his cheeks filled with food. The chuckle turned into a full grin as he read the message. "Your parents are coming for a visit and they'll be here tomorrow".

Food fell from his omega's open mouth as he looked at him with horror. "It's too soon!" Izuku said spraying the table with eggs. "Oops. Sorry" he turned red while using a napkin to clean up the mess he had made. "I need to tell them no".

A new message came in. Katsuki read it still grinning. "It says, Don't even try and stop us. We're coming and that's final".

"Oh no". He said pushing his plate away. "I can only imagine what they're gonna say when they find out I'm pregnant".

Katsuki pushed the plate back in front of his mate. "You're growing an alpha in there. You need to eat or you'll get anemic". Izuku nodded, but ate more slowly. "It'll be fine, Freckles. Your parents seem like really nice people, and I kinda like the idea of having a warm family. I envy you that".

"They are going to love you so much, Kacchan. Just be prepared for a million questions". Izuku looked at the time and yelped "I need to get to work! I have to make 4 dozen tarts and a dozen different pies!".

"Is it ok If I make a couple cakes? I can make a chocolate cake with a raspberry filling, topped with chocolate ganache. I also make a delicious carrot cake".

Izuku beamed at him "Kacchan, that sounds wonderful! You don't need to ask permission. It's your bakery too. Let's go. We can clean up this mess later" he said pointing towards the plates in the kitchen sink.

As he put on an apron and chef's cap his confidence soared. Katsuki hadn't felt this good in a long time. He was back in the kitchen where he belonged, getting messy with milk, sugar, flour and eggs.

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