Wild for You

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Katsuki was the first to wake up. He blinked his eyes wondering why he was napping in one of the heat rooms. He looked over quickly remembering that he had been with his fated mate. There he was, sleeping soundly, curled up in the blankets. Katsuki took a long look at his omega. He hadn't had the time to fully appreciate the vision before him. Their need to mate had taken a hold of their brains.

Now that his head was clear, Katsuki took in his omegas beautiful features. The alpha restrained himself from touching those full lips that he knew felt like soft pillows. He didn't want to wake his mate who was sleeping so deeply. His button nose was just as cute as the freckles that dusted his cheeks. Soft wavy green hair framed his oval shape face.

Katsuki's eyes traveled down his mates elegant yet firm arms. "He must do yoga or Pilates" he thought, wanting those arms wrapped around his neck while he pounded him into the mattress. Katsuki found himself getting hard again, but scolded his dick to wait a bit longer. Izuku's chest and abs were more toned than omegas he had seen before. He found that rather attractive. Katsuki loved being fit and hoped that his omega would like to join him at the gym.

Katsuki skipped over Izuku's private area for now. He knew he would lose all control if he looked at it. Those legs! So sexy! So nicely shaped. He growled remembering how those legs were wrapped around his waist. That gorgeous face moaning in ecstasy. Katsuki's member was rock hard. He couldn't wait any longer. "I'm sorry" he said as he spread Izuku's legs apart. His eyes traveled down to his omegas small member and couldn't resist taking it into his mouth.

Izuku's eyes flew open. He looked down as his alpha's tongue swirled around his cock. He could see Katsuki's giant erection throbbing with need. The whole scene was so erotic, his body was soon on fire. Katsuki's tongue was wreaking havoc on his brain. He could feel slick dripping from his body, his alpha greedily licking up every drop. "Alpha" he moaned spreading his legs wider. "I need you please!".

 Katsuki's large tongue licked Izuku from the tip of his member down to his slick drenched hole. The alpha groaned as he shared his mates pleasure. Izuku snarled at his alpha, tired of waiting to be filled. Katsuki looked up and smirked at his omega's scrunched up face. That earned him another snarl followed by a hiss. "Fuck me now, Alpha!".

Katsuki could feel his mates frustration and bubbling anger and knew better than to make him wait any longer. "Ok, Pup. Demanding little shit aren't you?" He teased. Izuku narrowed his eyes, backing away from his alpha. He got on all fours, then plunged two of his fingers inside his own ass. He growled low at his alpha, letting him know he could pleasure himself.

 Katsuki crawled over whining. "I'm sorry, Pup. Please let me take care of you". Izuku looked at his alphas earnest face and of course relented. Katsuki kept him on all fours, rubbing his back to smooth away his mates anger. He took his large member and guided the head into his omegas pink hole. They both sighed with pleasure as Katsuki plunged his entire length in with one thrust.

Izuku's eyes squeezed shut, his mouth drooling as his alpha pounded into him from behind. Katsuki's large scrotum kept hitting his sensitive tip sending spikes of pleasure down his spine. Izuku's omega demanded more. "Alpha! Knot me!". "Shit! Ok Freckles. Hold on". Izuku grabbed the headboard gripping it tightly as his alpha drove into him so hard he was sure to have red marks on his ass. "Alpha!" Izuku cried, his orgasm leaving him breathless.

Katsuki snarled next to his mates ear, biting down on his shoulder to keep him from moving. Izuku felt his alpha's manhood expanding inside him painfully. Katsuki's knot slipping inside attaching itself to the omegas uterine entrance. Izuku yelped at the stinging pain, but was held in place by his mates teeth. Katsuki released his semen inside of Izuku. The omegas stomach expanding, trying to take in all of his alphas seed. Some of it dripping out onto the bed.

The worst part was over so Katsuki released his mouth, licking the bite mark he had made. Izuku was trembling. He wasn't able to move yet because his alphas knot hadn't deflated. Katsuki could feel his omegas discomfort and released soothing pheromones. He moved them gently onto their sides so they could rest more comfortably until the knot could be removed.

"I love you so much already, Izuku. You're so precious. Such a beautiful omega. Holding you is like a dream come true". Izuku purred hearing such sweet words from his alpha. "I love you too, Katsuki. I feel at home in your arms". Izuku was about to continue when his stomach growled loudly. The sound was so funny the both of them laughed. "I skipped breakfast and I think its already passed lunch time. How much longer until this beast crawls back into his cave?" Izuku gestured towards Katsuki's manhood. "I don't know. You're the first omega I've ever knotted".

"Well I should hope so!" Izuku retorted, sounding a bit jealous of all the omegas that had come before him. "Sassy little pup" Katsuki said holding his omega closely. "I've heard it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to a half hour".

"But I'm hungry" Izuku whined."I've got you, Pup" Katsuki looked over at the side table at the round device sitting there. "Alexa, drop in on Kitchen". The device chimed turning green "Dropping in". "Hello Mr. Midoriya. How may I be of service?" A friendly sounding female greeted them. "Sandy, it's Dynamite. Can we get 2 burgers, fries and chocolate shakes asap?". "Sure thing Dynamite! Give us about 15 minutes"."Thanks Sandy. Alexa, hang up". The device beeped, cutting the connection.

"How did you know that's my favorite food?!" Izuku asked smiling brightly. "Because you're my soulmate and it's my favorite too". A few minutes later they were able to separate. Katsuki picked up Izuku, placing him on the toilet and leaving, giving his mate some privacy. Izuku was thankful since he needed to push out as much of Katsuki's seed as he could. He called his alpha back in and they took a quick shower together before their food arrived.

They both felt refreshed and famished. Their food arrived right on time, the smell making Izuku's tummy growl again. After serving the food, the male beta removed their bedding, replacing the soiled sheets with clean ones. Izuku blushed at the amount of semen that was all over the bedding. "Thank you" he said shyly, looking down at his plate. "No problem. Congratulations you two! I'm so happy for you Dynamite". The way the beta smiled at Katsuki, it was obvious the young man worshiped the alpha."Thanks Akihiko. I appreciate it".

The beta excused himself leaving the mates to enjoy their meal. "Dynamite, huh?" Midoriya smiled at his mate. "Is that about your sexual prowess?".

 "More like my fiery temper, but I like what you said better". Katsuki's eyes widened finding an extremely long fry on his plate. He handed it over to Izuku. "Anyway, Dynamite is my past. You are my present and my future. Why don't you come up with a new nickname for me".

Izuku dipped the large fry in Ketchup, his eyes looking up to the side as he thought about it. Izuku was feeding a bit of the fry to his mate when an idea came to him "I've got it! I'll call you Kacchan!".

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