Shredded Skirt

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"I don't want to do it this way!" Izuku sniffled into his pillow. The omega was only three weeks pregnant, but the hormones had already kicked in. "I can't kiss you this way".

"But, Freckles, you're already starting to show. What if I pass out on top of you? I could end up hurting our pup". Katsuki could feel his mate's sadness through their bond. The alpha would be willing to do anything for his omega, but not at the risk of hurting their unborn child. "Please, Kitten. If something were to happen, I wouldn't be able to live with myself".

Izuku knew deep down that he was being unreasonable. He could also feel his mate's desperation and hurt. Turning around, he sniffled again, wiping the tears off his face. "Ok, Kacchan, but you have to pleasure me really well first. Then when I'm begging for it, you can take me spoon style".

Katsuki smashed their lips together, his tongue thrusting inside his mate's mouth. He would spare no inch of his omega's body from his touch. Izuku's body quickly felt like it was on fire. Katsuki's tongue running over his scent gland was enough to make slick start to leak out of his body.

"Kacchan!" Izuku gasped when his mate took his sensitive nipple into his mouth, sucking it firmly. He ran his fingers through Katsuki's hair, pushing his mate's mouth harder against his skin. "So good, Alpha".

Katsuki growled low, moving down his mate's torso, leaving a trail of kisses until he came to his omega's hard member. Katsuki inhaled his lover's strawberry scent, the intoxicating aroma making it hard to take things slowly.

Spreading his mate's legs wide, he devoured Izuku's cock, easily taking it all in his mouth. The alpha's tongue circling around the sensitive tip making his mate thrust up moaning in ecstasy. Slick drenched his chin, letting him know just how much he was pleasing his mate. His own cock twitching from their shared pleasure.

"Alpha! Please! I'm ready!" Izuku begged, clawing at his mate's shoulders.

"Not yet, Kitten. Daddy needs a taste". Spreading his omega's generous cheeks, he looked at his mate's puckered hole that was dripping wet. He thrust his tongue inside the tight ring of muscles, gripping Izuku's thick thighs as he drove them both crazy. He moved his tongue in and out until his mate was practically in tears, desperate for his cock.

Izuku could take no more, rolling onto his side, he lifted his leg demanding to be taken. The sight of his omega's flushed face and slick soaked ass broke any control he had left. Taking Izuku into his arms, he lined himself up before thrusting into his mate until his entire length was surrounded by wet heat.

Katsuki tilted his head lower, kissing his omega while slowly pulling out and pushing in. The alpha loving the feel of his girth being sucked into his mate's depth. Izuku, however, had had enough of his alpha's teasing and snarled at him, pushing his hips back quickening the pace.

"You asked for it, Kitten". Katsuki's fangs bit down on Izuku's shoulder holding his mate in place. He proceeded to pound that thick ass leaving Izuku breathless as he held onto the bed sheets while wave after wave of intense pleasure rolled all over his body.

"Alpha! Uh! Uh! Mmm. Fuck!".

"Cum on my dick, you horny slut". That's all it took to send the omega over the edge. Izuku gasped, hot cum shooting out of his tip while gushing slick drenched Katsuki's thighs. The alpha biting down harder on his mate's shoulder as he too shook with the strength of his orgasm. 

They laid there gasping for air, holding each other closely. "Kacchan" Izuku said panting "We didn't faint this time. We usually do. Why do you think we didn't today?".

Katsuki kissed his omega's swollen lips before answering "I don't know. Kitten. You should ask the doctor about that next week when we meet him for the first time. Be sure to write it in that notebook of yours".

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