Midoriya's Parents

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"This is the life!" Izuku stretched out on the couch enjoying the view of his mate cooking away in the kitchen. The aroma of chicken Marsala and homemade Naan wafting around their home was making the omega's tummy growl. "You really are amazing, Kacchan. I was just going to order take out".

"I enjoy cooking, Kitten. It helps me relax. Besides, I want to look good in front of your parents. Let them know I can take care of their son".

"You took pretty good care of me earlier at your apartment" Izuku purred flirtatiously, loving the flustered look on his alpha's face. This mate business is wonderful, but the constant need to fuck can be a burden. It had only been a couple of hours since the last time they had made love, but the omega knew that if Katsuki wanted to go another round, he would gladly spread his legs for his alpha.

Katsuki lifted a spoon to his lips, blowing the sauce before tasting it. "Mmm. Perfect. The rice should be ready in about five minutes. What time did you say they were getting here?

"A knock on the door answered that question. The omega skipped to the door, squawking when it flew open and in walked his parents with their arms wide open.

 "ZuZu!" They grabbed their son in a bear hug, his mom kissing his head over and over.

"Ok mom!" he blushed trying to pull away from their arms.

"Where is our new son-in-law!? I can't wait to give him a warm welcome to the family".

"He's cooking dinner" Izuku barely finished that sentence before his parents took off towards the kitchen. Izuku sighed, lowering his head as he heard his mom squealing with delight.

 "Well look at you! You're so handsome! And you cook! Harold, take a picture of your son-in-law. Look how handsome he looks in that apron. Now get a picture with the two of us. Make sure it's good this time. The last picture you took, your thumb was in the way".

Izuku walked into the kitchen to see his very overwhelmed mate, whose mother-in-law was pushed up against him, uncovering pots and pans smelling what was inside. "This smells good. Is it spicy?"

"Umm. It's not too spicy" Katsuki glanced down at the tiny omega, who looked so much like his mate.

"Where are my manners?! I must have tucked them away in my bra along with my brains" she chortled. "I'm Inko Midoriya, but you can call me Mom, and this handsome devil is ZuZu's dad, Harold".

"It's nice to meet you both" Katsuki bowed formally.

"None of that, Son. We hug in this family" the older dominant alpha grabbed Katsuki in a firm hug patting his back. "You can call me Dad, just don't call me late for dinner". Glancing at his watch he scurried away to the living room "If you'll excuse me for a minute. I'll be right back" he called over his shoulder.

"This smells so good, but it might wreak havoc on your father's tummy" Inko shouted down the hall to her mate "Did you remember to bring the Poo-Pourri?!" Turning back to Izuku she patted his arm "Have you heard about this stuff? It's wonderful. You spray the bowl before you go and nobody will ever know. That's their slogan! Funny isn't it!"

"Mom! Can we not discuss that right now?" Izuku's face was the same color as the Marsala sauce.

"What's to be embarrassed about? We all poo. Harold!" she shrieked again "Did you remember to pack a bottle for ZuZu?"

"Sure did! I put it right on top of the toilet. ZuZu, you only need to spray it twice!" he yelled back.

"Harold, what are you doing? Get in here and visit with our new son-in-law!"

"The game is on! It's the playoffs!"

"Turn that off or so help me, I won't do that thing you like for an entire month!" she bellowed with her hands on her hips. Katsuki couldn't help but laugh at his in-laws. They were so different from his own parents who were always so cold and formal. Harold hurried back into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around his wife, kissing her scent gland. "You know you love it just as much as I do, you sexy vixen".

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