Our Place

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Katsuki followed his omega closely as he drove to his mates home. After about 20 minutes, he wondered how far away he lived from downtown. Izuku turned on his blinker, signaling to exit towards a town Katsuki had never heard of. The alpha never went too far away from downtown.

 10 Minutes later, Katsuki was driving through the cutest little town. He passed by a coffee shop, art gallery, clothing store and a hairdresser. There were more stores, but they were obviously all locally owned. Not a chain store in sight. He found that rather charming. "This looks like a great place to raise a family" he though smiling.

 Izuku pulled into a two car driveway. Katsuki pulled up along side him and got out of his mustang. His eyes widened at how large Izuku's house is. It's an older Japanese style home with a large Koi pond and a cherry blossom tree near the edge shading the pond. A large stone path led to the front dark wood door. 

"This is your place?" Katsuki asked looking at the large fish lazily swimming around. 

"Correction. This is our place". Izuku replied slipping his hand inside Katsuki's. Katsuki blushed as his mate led him inside. He could only describe the décor as comfortable elegance. 

"He must have a good paying job to be able to afford this place" he thought walking around the spacious kitchen. He couldn't wait to cook for his omega in this kitchen. Whatever his mate wanted. "This is a pretty big house. You have roommates or something?". 

"They moved out, and by roommates, I mean my parents". Izuku walked over and tapped on a photo of a happy couple sunning themselves at the beach. "These are my folks. This is my childhood home. My parents wanted a change and left me this house and moved to the coast".

"Wow. That was very generous of them" Katsuki said looking at the picture. Izuku is the spitting image of his mom. 

"Feel free to snoop around. This is your home now. I'm just gonna go freshen up" Izuku said pointing towards a room in the back. Katsuki nodded feeling so happy. His fancy downtown apartment didn't hold a candle to this place. In every room his mates strawberry scent filled his nose comforting him. Katsuki opened the sliding glass door that led to the backyard. Pebble paths led around a vast garden. Walking around he recognized some herbs, lettuce, tomatoes and even green beans. There was another cherry blossom tree with a stone bench underneath. Two pink seat pillows added color. Katsuki could picture his omega sitting under the tree, sipping tea while reading a book. "So this is fucking bliss" he said closing his eyes.

"Hey Handsome" Izuku joined him outside. "You like our vegetable garden?". 

Katsuki loved hearing his mate saying our instead of my. He was also loving his mates outfit. He had changed into black pants and a green turtleneck. "You look good enough to eat" he said huskily, walking towards his mate. 

"Thank you" Izuku stammered, tugging at his neckline. 

"What's wrong?". 

"It's the bite mark. It hurts when anything rubs against it, but I wanted to surprise Camie. She will notice this purple and blue mark right away".

"Why not wear a silk scarf? That way once you tell her you can take it off". 

Izuku palmed his forehead "Why didn't I think of that?! See, this is just one more reason why we are perfect for each other. I'll be right back". Katsuki noticed a gate with a padlock that would open up to the backyard of a business. He wondered why the gate was there. 

Izuku came back out in a red low hanging top that clearly showed his claim mark. "I'll put the scarf on before going into the restaurant". 

"So my love" Katsuki said pulling his omega into his arms. "We have so much to learn about each other. So let me start off by asking you what you do for a living". 

Izuku laughed agreeing with his alpha. "Why don't I show you where I work". He went over to the gate and punched in the code for the padlock. "It's right here" He nodded towards the cute building that had a mural of the community painted on the side. Katsuki was floored when he looked at the store fronts sign. It read "ZuZu's Bakery". He sat down on one of the outdoor chairs, pulling Izuku into his arms. "Is something wrong, Kacchan?". 

Izuku couldn't tell what was going on with his mate. He was flooded with so many strong emotions. "This was my parents bakery up until 2 years ago when they retired. I grew up making pastries and cookies". Izuku felt like he was rambling. He kept stroking his mates hair. Katsuki still had his face buried in his Izuku's stomach. "Kacchan, please talk to me". Katsuki held Izuku tighter, still unable to speak. After a minute he looked up at his omega with tears in his eyes. "Kacchan, My Love. Why are you crying?". Izuku asked wiping away his alpha's tears. 

Katsuki took a deep breath and buried his head once again. Izuku held him tightly, waiting. "Before I began working at the heat clinic, I had just graduated from culinary school. I trained to become a pastry chef. My dream was to open my own bakery, but I didn't have the money nor the collateral for a loan". When Ururaka approached me with a job offer at really good pay, I didn't hesitate accepting. I figured that I could save enough money for a down payment on a building that I could turn into a bakery. I was about a year away from reaching my goal. Then I met you and I was overjoyed, but I knew my dream of opening a bakery would have to wait longer now that I wouldn't be employed at the clinic. And now this happened. My soulmate owns his own bakery. The universe has blessed me so greatly. I just don't understand what I did to deserve such a gift".

Izuku tilted up his mates face "WE own our own bakery". Katsuki's eyes flooded with tears as he held Izuku tightly. After a bit, Katsuki had calmed down. His face was still a bit red, but after a couple more minutes he looked all better. "You wanna go inside and see our bakery?" Izuki gave his mate a bright smile. Katsuki grabbed his hand and smiled when he heard a bell tinkling when the door was opened. 

"Welcome to ...Oh Zuzu! We didn't expect to see you today" a young beta greeted them with a smile. 

"Everybody gather around" Izuku said giddily. Five staff members stopped what they were doing and hurried over wondering why the omega was so happy. Izuku put his arms around Katsuki and yelled "I met my fated mate!". Cheers erupted all around them. "Congratulations!". Two twin omegas danced around Izuku clapping their hands. The customers, who were obviously regulars, were hugging and congratulating the omega.

 Katsuki was feeling overwhelmed, but happy. His mate was well loved. "Ok. Introductions. This is Katsuki Bakugo. Kacchan this is Chico, our head bread maker" Katsuki nodded at the blue haired beta. "This is his apprentice, Sherry. He nodded towards the blonde omega. "This is my cookie and pudding master, Claude" Izuku bowed to an older looking alpha. "The twins are Louisa and Maritza. They are in charge of donuts, and yours truly is in charge of pies and tarts". 

"It's a pleasure meeting you all" Katsuki bowed respectfully. "What about cakes? Do you not sell them?" He asked looking through the glass case at the delicious looking pastries. 

"Genie was our cake maker. She recently left us after meeting her mate. He had to relocate and of course she went with him. We haven't replaced her yet" Izuku sighed.

"I can make cakes!" Katsuki said eagerly. "That was my specialty in culinary school. I was commissioned to make wedding and birthday cakes all the time. Look!" Katsuki whipped out his phone showing them pictures of cakes he had made.

"Those are works of art, Kacchan! Waaa! Look at this Harry Potter cake! How did you make it look like the sorting hat?!". Izuku was getting so turned on, his strawberry scent was filling up the bakery. Katsuki's body started responding to his mates desires.

The alpha picked up his mate and headed towards the exit. "It was nice meeting you all!" He huffed when Izuku started sucking on his neck, trying to remove his shirt. 

"Lucky" Claude sighed and everybody agreed. 

They did not make it back to the house. The two woke up naked on the back porch. Izuku having been woken up by his orange cat licking his face.

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