Katsuki's "Shitty" Friends

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"Kacchan, your place is really fancy!" Izuku said looking out the windows of the high-rise apartment. The furniture matched, but it was a cold black color. The walls were white with only a couple pictures hanging up. The only things on the kitchen counter were a blender and coffee maker. Izuku couldn't believe his alpha's place was so lacking in charm and warmth.

"I like your place much better. I'm not home a lot. I just come to sleep and the rest of the time I'm hanging out with my buddies".

"Ah" Izuku replied sitting on the not so soft sofa. "So....what do you want to do with your things?". Izuku hoped he wouldn't want to take them and use them in their home. It just wasn't his style.

"I'll see if my vultures, otherwise know as my friends, want to fight over this shit. Whatever you want we can take. I mostly want my clothes, electronics and kitchen gadgets".

Izuku walked into the bedroom and was pleasantly surprised not to find a king size bed, but a full size. It was just big enough for the dominant alpha, meaning he must not have had many omegas over to stay. Izuku knew he was being stupid. Katsuki had been with many omegas before him, but none of them had the special relationship that they now had.

As if reading his mind, Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku and said "You're the first omega I've ever had in my place. I never wanted to get close to anyone before. I just hoped you don't hold my past against me. I'm a little worried your parents aren't going to approve of me because I worked as a heat partner".

Izuku turned around looking up at Katsuki with a firm gaze. "You have no idea how important heat partners are. I wish I had known about them years ago. Those of us who don't have a partner and are unmated suffer through our heats every month. You probably know this, but many omegas have been raped when in heat. Having a safe place to go where we know our bodies will be respected when we are at our most vulnerable is a precious thing. Please don't ever be ashamed of that".

"Damn, Babe. You always know how to make me feel better. Thanks for that". Katsuki bent down kissing him mate softy. He hoped that his love would be shown through that kiss.

"Do you mind if I take a nap in your bed? I'm so tired after waking up so early to make pies". Izuku didn't wait for an answer. He rummaged around Katsuki's dresser until he found a shirt. He put it on, crawled under the sheets and promptly fell asleep.

"Sleep, Kitten. I'll start looking through my kitchen stuff that I want to take home" he smiled fondly watching his mate already snoring on his pillow. "He's so precious and he's carrying my pup". Katsuki opened his cabinets and started pulling out pots and pans, skillets and his rice cooker. He had spent a lot of money buying the best cooking ware, and he had no plans on leaving any of them behind. He looked at his coffee maker, deciding to make a pot. He was feeling tired too after waking up at 3 a.m. to help his mate make pies. They had gotten up so early so they could have the rest of the day off to prepare for Izuku's parents visit. Katsuki inhaled deeply as the aroma of coffee spread throughout the kitchen. 

He was about to pour himself a cup when his front door burst open. "Bakugo, you bastard! Where the fuck have you been, asshole?!".

Katsuki put down his mug glaring at his friend Denki Kaminari. He's known Denki since high school, hence the reason why the alpha felt free to barge into Katsuki's apartment whenever he wanted to.

"Easy, Denks" Katsuki's other friend, Eijero Kirishima, casually sauntered in after the yellow haired alpha.

"You two need to get the fuck out right now. I'm busy and I don't need you two asshles bothering me". 

Denki was accustomed to his friend's fiery attitude and wasn't fazed one bit. "First, tell us why you were a no show at Sero's last night?".

"None of your fucking business. Now get out!". Katsuki kept glancing towards his bedroom, hoping his friends hadn't woken up his mate. "Look, I'll explain later, but can you guys just please leave".

"Oh, I see what's going on" Denki said slyly. "You pick up a hot piece of ass last night, Bakubro?".

"Don't you dare say that again" Katsuki snarled.

"Woah there big fella. Check this guy out, Kiri. You'd think I just insulted his mate".

"Bakugo with a mate! I wonder what poor omega could end up being stuck with this grumpy asshole for the rest of their lives" Kiri chortled.

"I guess that poor omega would be me" Izuku said coming out of the bedroom wearing nothing but Katsuki's shirt.

"Holy shit!" Denki stared at the breathtaking omega whose gorgeous legs were on full display. He heard Bakugo growl low directed at him, but he couldn't take his eyes off Izuku. Izuku walked over towards Denki and Kiri with his hand outstretched. "I'm Izuku Bakugo. Kacchan's fated mate".

Katsuki pulled his mate away from his friends, sitting his omega on his lap. "Sweetheart, these are my idiot friends, Denki Kaminari and Eijero Kirishima. I've known Dunce Face since high school and Kiri is a co-worker".

"You're Camie's heat partner!" Izuku sat up smiling at the alpha. "She's only had wonderful things to say about you" he chirped cutely.

Kiri blushed at the beautiful omega. "Wait. Did you say fated mate?! I heard a rumor at work, but I didn't think it was true. Congrats, Bakubro! Honestly, I'm more than just a little jealous".

"Will you two assholes stop eye fucking my mate!" he snarled covering his omega's legs with a blanket.

"Stop it, Kacchan. They were doing no such thing" he blushed crimson. "Is that coffee I smell? Can I have a cup?".

"Caffeine isn't good for the pup. I can make you a cup of tea". Katsuki felt his heart constrict at the look of disappointment on his mate's face.

"Pup?!" Denki bellowed. "You already knocked him up?!". 

Izuku released calming pheromones sensing his alpha was about ready to explode. "Maybe we can talk about this later on this week. We can meet for dinner at our place, but right now we are low on time. My parents will be here tonight, so we need to get back home soon".

"I would give all the money I have to witness that" Kiri said laughing. "Dynamite meeting the in-laws!".

"They're going to love him just as much as I do. Now you two" he said pushing the massive alphas out the door "need to get going. It was nice to meet you" he smiled before shutting the door.

"You're so damn precious, Kitten" Katsuki laughed hard. "You just threw two alphas out with little effort. Did you see their faces when you shut the door on them?! I wish I had taken a picture. Damn that was funny".

"I'm about ready to boss you around, Alpha. We need to head back in about an hour".

"Don't worry, Babe. I'll get us back in time. I wouldn't want to make a bad first impression".

"Speaking of impressions" Izuku said saucily. "I wouldn't mind making one of my ass on your sofa". Katsuki growled, claiming his mate's lips. They would end up leaving an hour and a half later.

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