Camie Meets Bakugo

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Izuku was still burning with embarrassment from Kacchan hearing his parents sex stories. "When do I get to meet your parents and hear stories about you?" Izuku asked tugging on his alpha's shirt.

"My parents are assholes who never gave a shit about me or what I liked. I've been taking care of myself since 4th grade. I hope you never have to meet them. Shit, It's been three years since I've even seen them.

"Kacchan" Midoriya said softy releasing soothing pheromones. "I'm sorry. Now I feel like a jerk for even asking".

"Don't worry my love. You couldn't possibly have known. We have so much to learn about each other. What I discovered is that my in laws are hysterical and my mate looks gorgeous when he's a blushing mess" Katsuki teased hugging his mate tightly. 

Izuku buried his face in his alpha's chest inhaling deeply. "You smell so nice Alpha. Your body is so sexy" he purred rubbing his scent all over his mate.

"Freckles, Fuck. We can't right now. We'll be late for dinner with your friend".

Izuku pulled away shame faced. "You're just so tempting, Alpha". 

"You have no idea how crazy you make me, Pup. I want to go 24 hours a day with my dick inside you" Katsuki bit Izuku's ear before devouring his mouth. Things were about to happen when the sound of knocking loudly came from the front door. Whoever it was, was also ringing the doorbell repeatedly.

"Coming!" Midoriya called, then looked at Katsuki. "It's probably just a busy body neighbor wanting to know who's Mustang that belongs to".

"I need to go grab my wallet. Holler if it's an annoying salesman". Katsuki had to fight his instinct to protect his omega. He didn't want to seem clingy. He also needed time for his erection to go away.

Izuku opened the door to find his best friend standing there with a giant smile on her face. "Ok, you little slut. Whose muscle car does that belong to?".

"Camie! I was just heading over to the restaurant to meet you" he grinned awkwardly.

"What is that?!" Camie shrieked pointing at Izuku's neck. "You've been claimed?! By who? Izuku Midoriya, sit down right now and tell me everything!". Camie was tugging her friend over to the couch when Katsuki walked into the room. "Bakugo?! You've been claimed by Katsuki Bakugo?!" Camie thundered looking the dominant alpha up and down. He was even more attractive than the picture she had seen at the agency.

Katsuki sauntered over giving her a wide smile. "You must be Camie. It's nice to meet you". He extended his hand which she took grinning up at him. "I know you're eager to hear about how all this came to be, but can we talk at the restaurant? My mate needs to eat dinner".

"Yeah, let's go" Camie said wrinkling her nose. "This place smells like sex".

"Camie!" Izuku blushed crimson. 

Katsuki laughed and lifted up the window in the kitchen. "I think we're going to get along just fine" He chuckled opening up the front door for the omegas. 

Once they were seated, Camie demanded an explanation. "I could tell right away that he was my fated mate because of his pheromones. My omega shouted at me to be marked and knotted. Like all fated mates, it was love at first sight" Izuku snuggled into Katsuki's arm that was wrapped around his shoulders.

Camie was so happy for her friend. She had never seen him like this. The way the couple looked at each other left no doubt they were already crazy in love.

"Funny story, but my boss knew you were my soulmate before I did. She has a gift that lets her see peoples auras. Apparently soulmates have the same color auras".

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