Just a Heat Partner

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Few days ago.....Izuku squared his shoulders, lifting his chin, before grabbing the door handle of The Heat Agency. He was excited about having a no strings attached partner who understood boundaries and was there to provide a service in a safe environment. An omega is never as vulnerable as when they are in heat. Many have been marked or impregnated against their will. When they are in heat, the omega's mind is no longer in control. Their instinct to mate takes over and that's why it's so important for them to have a trusted partner or safe place to stay.

"Mr. Midoriya" Ochako greeted him with a handshake. "It's nice to meet you. Come into my office". "You're an omega!" Izuku smiled "That makes me feel so much better. You have no idea how nervous I've been".Ochako's smile faded for a second as she looked the young omega over. She sighed heavily before sitting behind her desk. "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?" Izuku blushed wondering what he could have done. "No! I'm sorry, Mr. Midoriya. I just remembered an errand I was supposed to run and it just popped into my mind" She lied smoothly. 

The truth is, Ochako noticed the yellow aura surrounding the omega. It's brightness brought to mind another person who's aura is the exact same color. She knew that these two were soulmates, but wasn't exactly happy about it. "Let me tell you about what to expect. Your form tells me that you're going into heat in 5 days. On that day you will stay in one of our rooms. We will provide snacks and meals. All rooms have full bathrooms so you can freshen up. Some omegas like to spend some time before their heat kicks in getting to know the alpha who will be mating with them. It's up to you. Since this is your first time, I suggest you get to know him first".

Izuku nodded liking that idea. He didn't want the alpha to feel disrespected, like he was just a piece of meat. Then he would be just as bad as the alphas who treat omegas like sex toys. "Do you have an alpha in mind for me?". Izuku noticed there were pictures of handsome men on the wall. His breath caught when he looked at the photo of an ash blonde god with crimson eyes. Ochako got up and tapped on the photo of Bakugo. "This is Katsuki Bakugo. He's our #1 alpha. I think he will be perfect for you. Like a match made in heaven". Izuku smiled a little confused by the word choice, but brushed it off. He stared at the photo for a few more seconds and felt his heart racing. "He's so handsome!" Izuku thought feeling giddy. "In a couple days he will be taking care of me during my heat. For the first time I'm actually looking forward to it".

"Can I ask you a personal question?". Izuku nodded feeling comfortable around a fellow omega. "How would you feel about finding your fated mate? Would you be ok being marked and knotted right away?". Izuku was taken aback by that very personal question. He took a minute to really think about his answer. Izuku thought maybe Ochako was asking if he would stop being a client if he found an alpha. Maybe she wanted to know if he was against wanting a mate because he might have a problem with alphas?". I think everybody wants to find their fated mate. If I ever met mine, I don't think I could help being marked and knotted. It's just what happens. My parents are fated mates and after 25 years, they are still gaga for each other".

 Izuku laughed to himself remembering a story "My parents met at a friends wedding. Instead of standing alongside the bride and groom, they were busy having life mate sex in a closet. Apparently everyone understood their need to mate, but after the ceremony, people needed to get their coats from that very closet!" Ochako and Izuku were laughing hard. "The dry cleaning bill for the coats they soiled alone cost them a small fortune!". Ochako wiped tears from her eyes as her laughter subsided. 

"Oh. It feels good to laugh. Sorry about the personal question. I just wanted to get to know you better. To see if you are here because you've sworn off finding a mate or if you just needed a heat partner".

"Just a heat partner. I don't know any alphas that I trust right now". Ochako nodded and stretched out her hand "Bakugo will be perfect for you. We'll be seeing you in a few days. If anything changes before then, please give us a call". After seeing Midoriya out, she turned to witness a very satisfied omega with a goofy grin being escorted out the door by none other than Katsuki Bakugo. She watched as the alpha kissed the omegas hand before heading back upstairs, his bright yellow aura almost blinding. Ochako sighed knowing that her top alpha would be leaving the agency after meeting Izuku Midoriya, his soulmate.

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