Heat Day

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"A male omega! My soulmate?! But what about that scent from the other day?" Katsuki scowled to himself. "I do love males, but...". "Bakugo!" His boss called him back.

 "I know you don't believe me, but this omega is your fated mate. I'm happy for you, but your clients and myself are going to be sad to see you go".

"Don't be so sure I'm leaving yet. Let's wait and see what happens." Katsuki smirked mischievously. "How about we make this interesting?".

"A bet?" Ochako smiled back. "What are the you thinking about wagering?".

"How about, if you're right, I owe you a favor, but if you're wrong, you will owe me a favor?". Ochako whipped our her hand quickly "Deal". Katsuki was taken aback at how sure his boss was. She chuckled walking over to her mini fridge taking out two bottles of drinkable yogurt, tossing one to him. 

"Strawberry" he mumbled thinking about that mystery omega. "I thought you might like that" she said slyly. "That's what his pheromones smell like". Katsuki let the yogurt fall from his hands. "Room Number!?" He said starting to pant with excitement. His alpha roaring for him to get going. 

"Room 12" she said holding her nose as Katsuki's rut like pheromones filled her office. "Looks like I'm gonna owe you a favor" he said before bursting out of her office, bounding up the stairs towards room 12 and his destiny.

————————————————————————————————-Izuku had arrived an hour ago. He could tell that his heat would be starting sooner than expected. Usually he starts in the afternoon. "I bet it's because I'm excited about doing it with Bakugo. I mean, he is the sexiest alpha I have ever seen". 

He decided to take a bath, making sure his bits were nice and clean. He rubbed his hand on the bar of soap, then rubbed his hands together making a foamy lather. Izuku reached down to clean his hole, but came back with a hand dripping with his own slick. His body was heating up, the air becoming thick with his strawberry scent.

He hit the red button by the bathroom door that was to use if you went into heat before your alpha had arrived. Izuku stumbled out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. It had been a long time since he hadn't used any suppressants for his heat. He was feeling the full force of his need and it ached tremendously. 

Izuku dropped the towel and crawled on the bed. "Alpha" he begged, sticking his ass in the air. "Please help me". Another surge of heat made his face break out in beads of sweat. Slick was running down his thighs. Bakugo was taking three steps at a time, cursing the architect for designing this building with such a long staircase. He made it to the hallway, noticing the flashing light on if front of door 12. 

His mate was in heat and in need! Katsuki burst through the door, he dropped to his knees after being hit by his mates pheromones. His alpha roared for him to claim his mate and he was more than happy to oblige. He didn't even take the time to enjoy the view of Izuku's perfect ass before burying his face in between those thick cheeks. 

Izuku gasped with pleasure. He looked over his shoulder, realizing that his alpha had come for him. "Alpha" he panted. A new scent enveloped the omega, his instinct took over. Izuku ripped off his bite blocker throwing it on the floor. He wanted to be marked. He had found his fated mate.

Izuku rolled over and was immediately covered by his alpha. There was no prep time, no introductions, just pure animalistic need to mate. Izuku trembled wrapping his legs around Katsuki's waist. He hears his alpha growl low near his ear. Izuku turned his head allowing Katsuki full access to his scent gland. "Ow!" Izuku yelped as Katsuki's fangs tore through his swollen gland.

Tears streamed down the omegas face as he felt his alphas teeth digging deeper into his neck. "Alpha!" He cried, trying to push him away. That earned him another snarl, Katsuki's teeth holding on tighter. After what seemed like forever, the alpha retracted his fangs. He cringed seeing what he had done and licked away the blood.

"I'm sorry" he said kissing Izuku's face. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I couldn't help myself". Katsuki let off soothing pheromones while holding Izuku closely. "Ouch!" It was Katsuki's turn to be in pain. Izuku had wrapped one arm around his back and the other around his head, holding his alpha in place so that he could in turn mark him. It wasn't common for omegas to mark their mates. It usually only happened when an omega is the territorial type. Katsuki fucking loved it. "Sassy little shit" he said before plunging all of his 12 inches inside his tiny omega. Izuku released his fangs cumming instantly. "Hold on to me Freckles. We're just getting started".

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