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Izuku parked his car near the mall entrance. He flipped down the visor mirror checking his appearance before heading inside. His face is a little flushed, but that's normal for an omega the day before their heat. He made sure to take his last heat blocker this morning and wore a strong scent blocker. Ordinarily he would have just stayed home, but he wanted to buy lingerie for his meeting with Bakugo. He wanted to make a good first impression. Especially since he hoped to become one of the alphas regulars.

He checked his watch and yelped. "I'm running late! I hope Camie is ok alone". Usually omegas always go out in public in pairs. It's safer that way. He was meeting Camie for lunch and to help him pick out lingerie.

"ZuZu over here!" The beautiful bubbly omega called to him waving her arms in the air. It was particularly crowded today and he hoped they would be able to find a seat at the restaurant soon. 

"You look stunning, Camie" Izuku smiled, admiring his friends outfit. "I wish I had your flair for fashion and that mark protector is so fancy!". Izuku looked around and pointed at a fellow omega who is without a collar, her claim mark visible. "I envy her. She doesn't have to go around wearing one of these" Izuku said rubbing his black collar. "It lets every Alpha know we haven't been claimed yet".

Camie linked her arm around Izuku's and led him towards a ramen restaurant. "It is what it is, ZuZu. Hopefully we will meet our mates soon". They found a table and sat down picking up the menu to see what looked good. They were just about to discuss what to order when a voice cut in.

"Hello beauties. It would be an honor to pay for your meals. Omegas such as yourselves shouldn't ever have to pay for a thing". 

"Thank you, but we have alphas" Camie said tightly. Although the alpha was attractive, he gave off a weird vibe.

"Come on now. I know that's not true. You haven't been marked and neither one of you have been scented".

Izuku knocked his fork onto the floor. "Oh how clumsy of me. Excuse me please" he waved at an omega server, looking at her with wide eyes. "I seem to have dropped my fork". 

The server nodded in return. "Excuse me, sir. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave these customers alone. Move along" a baritone voiced alpha wearing a security uniform had come over to their table. The alpha glared at Izuku for a second then put his hands up surrendering "Ok. Got it. I'm leaving". 

"Thank you" Izuku said when the waitress brought him a new fork.

"That must happened to you two all the time" she said looking at Izuku and Camie. "It's a good thing we have our help signals and code words".

 Izuku nodded, but is saddened him that they would even need to have those. They ordered and sipped on their drinks the server had brought them on the house. "So ZuZu, tell me which alpha you're going to spend your heat with. The alpha I've been seeing is Eijiro Kirishima. He's handsome and very skilled" she said wiggling her eyebrows.

Izuku laughed, swirling his straw around. "Ummm. His name is Katsuki Bakugo".

"What?! No way! You're being seen by their #1 alpha?! I was told he has a year long wait list. How did you get him?".

Izuku was shocked. "He does? I don't know how, but the omega in charge selected him for me. She said he'd be a perfect match". 

"I'd be jealous if Kirishima wasn't as great as he is. You will have to tell me everything after. Well, everything you can remember. Damn heat brain". After they had eaten, they walked over to a lingerie store exclusively for omegas. Since most omegas are female, there wasn't a huge selection for Izuku. "Look ZuZu! This silk robe is gorgeous. It matches your eye color perfectly. You need to buy this".

Izuku caressed the silky fabric wondering if Bakugo would like the way he looked in it. "Thanks Camie. You always pick out the perfect thing. Help me find some underwear to go with it". Camie smiled wickedly and brought over a black g-sting with a sheer front. "I might as well be wearing nothing! He'll be able to see my twig and berries in this" Izuku blushed holding up the g-string. "This should be called barely there". 

"Izuku, he's going to be doing all sorts of things to your twig and berries. Yours aren't the only ones he's ever seen. Trust me. You'll look hot in these. You have a great figure and I envy that ass of yours".

"It is nice isn't it?" Izuku turned to check out his plump backside in a mirror. "Hmmm" he said looking at the g-string. "I'll take it!".

————————————————————————————-"Ah! Ah! Alpha! Right there!". Katsuki watched as a blonde omega bounced up and down on his large shaft. She was one of his regulars and unfortunately, he would be cutting ties with her today. She had begun to develop feeling for him, and that is not allowed. He is her heat partner, not her alpha. Although he liked his job, recently he was wanting something more substantial. He envied his friend Shoto, who had found his fated mate. He would never find his if he continued to work here. He needed to expand his horizons. Maybe travel for a while. 

"I can't think about that right now" he thought as he flipped the petite omega over on her back and proceeded to pound into her deeply. Her eyes rolled back as she gushed slick wetting Bakugo's thighs. Usually he kept going until he climaxed, but he didn't think he could today. He felt strange. This was so unlike him. It all started to change a few days ago when he had escorted a client to the foyer. His nose picked up the most intoxicating aroma. It was definitely coming from an omega, but one that he had never come across before. Perhaps a new client?.

I need to find this omega" he thought as he walked back upstairs sniffing around every room. When his search led nowhere he went back downstairs. He picked up the scent coming from his boss's office. He sat in the chair the omega has been in an inhaled deeply. "Strawberries" he sighed. "They smells like ripe strawberries". 

Katsuki, being a dominant alpha, and a sex worker, had become accustomed to omegas at the peak of their pheromone release. All of their scents seemed to blend into one another. That's why it was such a shock to find himself responding so intensely to this one scent. "Hey Kiri" He called over to his friend. "Where's the boss?". 

"She went home for the day. She'll be back tomorrow. Why?".

"It's nothing important". Katsuki hid his disappointment. He had the next two days off and wouldn't be able to ask about the omega until then. He spent the next couple of days cleaning his apartment and running errands. His mind never strayed too far away from asking Ochako about that omega. To his surprise, his boss called him over first thing on his day back.

"Good morning, Bakugo. Can we talk for a minute?".

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