The Bakugo's

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"Business has really picked up since Bakugo started making cakes. He's having to turn down customers now that his wait list is full. I had a bride-to-be break down in tears when I told her Bakugo wouldn't be able to make her wedding cake" Sherry said a bit flustered.

"The article in Chef Magazine about the top 20 hottest chefs, has been a blessing and a curse" Izuku mumbled. His co-workers gave him a sympathetic nod. "They conveniently left out the fact that he's a mated alpha. We've had disappointed omegas leave here every day!".

"Well, it should die down now that our social media pages have been updated. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Toc and Bakugo's YouTube channel all have pictures of the two of you or mention you".

"It better. I don't know how much more of this I can take! I'm pretty possessive over him and my pregnancy is making me even more so. I need to stay cheery and bubbly for our customers.  I can't let my personal insecurities hurt our business" Izuku pouted checking on his pastries baking in the oven. Omegas are naturally sweet and patient, but can get down right nasty if provoked. 

"You have no reason to be insecure, Freckles" Katsuki said wrapping his arms around his mate. "Nobody can or will ever take me away from you. You and our pup are my entire universe".

"Kacchan" Izuku purred happily, nuzzling his alpha's chest.

"I just came to give you a hug. I sensed you getting upset. I'm almost done with my clients Alice in Wonderland cake. Wanna see it?".

"Hell yeah, I do!" Izuku took his hand and walked to the back of the bakery. "Oh my god, Kacchan! This is amazing!". The cake was in the shape of a top hat decorated with playing cards made of white chocolate. A teapot made of Rice Krispies covered in fondant looking like it's suspended in mid-air, it's spout was pouring tea (a special water post is used) into a cup made out of dark chocolate. The colors were flashy and the designs brilliantly detailed. "As soon as you're finished make sure to post this on social media. This is too good not to share".

"Thanks, Kitten" Katsuki preened under his mate's praise. He knew it was good, but it meant the world that Izuku loved it too. He finished the last few details and wheeled it into the refrigerator carefully. He would be delivering it later today to the Hotel Belani's ballroom, where his client is holding his daughter's sweet 16 party.

"Ummmm...Bakugo" Chico, their bread maker, walked into the back, obviously uncomfortable.

"What's up Chico?'.

"Ummm...There is a couple up front that say they're your parents. The woman looks a lot like you".

Izuku could feel seething anger oozing off his mate. His pheromones making Chico tremble. "Thank you, Chico. You can go back upfront". The beta looked at Katsuki with concern, but scurried away quickly. Izuku gave Katsuki space, but let out as much soothing pheromones as he could. The omega didn't say a word, he knew better than to try and reason with a near feral dominant alpha, even if he was his mate. He would wait for Katsuki to speak.

Katsuki inhaled his mate's pheromones and began to relax just a little. "Freckles, can you tell them to come over tonight around 7? I just can't right now. I'm afraid I'll rage in front of the customers".

"Ok, Kacchan, I will". He approached his mate releasing more pheromones. Izuku hesitantly wrapped his arms around his alpha, almost afraid of being pushed away.

"I love you, Kitten" Katsuki hugged Izuku hard. "I'm sorry if I scared you. Please hold me whenever you want" he said tilting up his mate's chin to give him a kiss. "I'm gonna need you to be strong for me later, Babe".

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