Chapter 1: The Return

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Author Notes: HELLO EVERYONE! This is actually my first ever fanfic to write, I've always observed from the sidelines but I love Buck & Eddie so much that I needed them to be my first! This will get dark for a bit, I will put trigger warnings where it is needed, and I hope you all are patient with me! I'm definitely open to any suggestions or improvements! Enjoy this rollercoaster ;)



It all started when the 118 firetruck exploded, launching Buck out of the truck and his leg being crushed by 20 tons of weight. All though Buck survived, that night will soon later change the fate of Evan Buckley's life.  The events following after will change the fate of the entire 118.





It had been 3 long months of Buck doing physical therapy to learn how to walk again, to learn how to adjust this new way of living. It had not been easy for Buck but he knew that he needed to get back to his family at the 118. He needed to get back to doing what he loves, being a firefighter.  Bucks life growing up was nonetheless, a nightmare. His parents don't give two shits about him. They've always praised his sister Maddie over Buck, which has caused Buck to grow up at a very young age.

His relationship with Maddie is amazing, she has always made sure that Buck had someone on his team and that he was loved deeply. She basically raised Buck seeing as his parents never cared what he was doing or where he was at. At age 16, Buck lost his only support system that he ever had when Maddie married Doug. Doug took Maddie away from him with little to no notice. Buck had no idea that Maddie was being abused by him because Doug moved them to Boston.

Buck bounced from place to place in his adolescent years, trying to discover his path in life. For the longest time, Buck lived in Florida, bartending. One thing about young Buck, he got bored easy. He loved living life dangerously and bartending was far from that, apart from the occasional bar fight that he had to break up but that got his blood rushing and he lived for that thrill.

After years of discovering different career paths, Buck finally found his passion when he decided to go to firefighting school. The training showed him that this is what he wanted to do. What he NEEDED to do. After graduating top of his class, Buck packed up his belonging in his Jeep, and drove out to Los Angeles, California and was hired on at the 118 firehouse.

Here, he met his family, Bobby Nash who eventually became a father figure in his life, Athena Grant who became a mother figure, Chimney who became a brother, Hen who became a sister, his sister Maddie who finally left Doug and moved to LA and became a 911 dispatcher. Then, when Buck least expected it, came Eddie Diaz, who Buck fell in love with the moment he set his eyes on him and his charismatic son Christopher who melted Bucks heart immediately.

After months of settling in, Buck and Eddie, who didn't get along very well at first, became the closest of friends, some would even say closer than any friends could ever be. Buck spent many nights at Eddies house and Eddie spent many at Bucks house. The way that Eddie, Buck and Christopher did everything together made many strangers believe that they were a family. Eddie and Buck never once corrected them though, because they were a family. Buck finds himself more than often wishing it were true, because he is deeply in love with his best friend, and Eddie was mad over heels for his. Neither of them making any move to further the relationship they had, but both had badly wanted too.

That was until the accident happened, specifically the firetruck falling on him because lord knows Buck has had too many accidents in his lifetime to count. Captain Nash had told Buck at the hospital that he couldn't live with himself knowing that Buck could easily be hurt on the job, all because of those damn blood thinners. This news broke Bucks soul. He wasn't able to return to his family, to the career that he's only ever loved.

It wasn't was cruel.

Why was everyone else who had been injured able to come back to work? For Christ sakes, Chim had a fucking pole through his head.

Buck, being the stubborn man he is, looked for ways around this. That was when he unfortunately met a scumbag of a lawyer, Chase Mackey. Chase would do anything to win this case, that included digging up every member of the 118's past. This meant that Chase dug up what happened to Captain Nash's family, which resulted in an investigation and suspension at the 118. Chase dug into Hens past with her ex-girlfriend, Chims ability to continue work after having brain damage, and Eddie's past in the military which Chase then questioned his responsibility as a father. That infuriated Eddie but what hurt him the most, was that throughout this process, him and Buck were to have zero contact.

How could his best friend do this to Christopher and him? How could the man he love throw his family under the bus?

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