Chapter 18: The Zoo

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AN: IM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE Y'ALL!! It's been a wild week + my birthday so I haven't had the chance! We are almost at the end of this story! Thank you so much for all the support guys ❤️





"Buck, baby it's a nightmare. Wake up. Come back to me." Buck heard through his nightmare.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Buck screamed.

He jolted up in a panic. He quickly observed his surroundings. He was in Eddie's room and he noticed Eddie beside him rubbing the top of his hand. He was drenched in sweat and panted as if he ran a marathon.

Once he realized he was safe, he dropped his face into his hands and sobbed out. He remembered the night Eddie was talking about. It was so horrible he wished his brain would've erased it forever.

"Let it out, baby. I'm here." Eddie soothed.

Buck dropped his head onto Eddie's chest and cried his heart out. He felt dirty and pathetic. He felt stupid for allowing that to happen. He tried to remember the moments leading up to it but the details were fuzzy.

He remembered the two men who did it to him but he couldn't remember his lawyer. Eddie had told him that something else happened but Buck couldn't handle remembering that right now.

Suddenly, all at once, Buck remembered the truck falling on him, crushing his leg. He screamed in agony as his brain has now registered the pain that came with it. It was a phantom pain but it felt more than real. His leg ached as he winched.

"Buck what's going on? Talk to me." Eddie was now sat up, concern plastered on his face.

"Eddie it hurts!" Buck cried out.

"What's hurting?" Eddie panicked.

"My leg!"

"Calm your breathing Buck. It's not real. Listen to my voice. Breathe."

Buck closed his eyes and calmed his breathing and after several minutes, he was fine. The pain was no longer there. In his leg at least, his soul still felt shattered.

"I remember it all Eddie... the truck, the recovery, the lawsuit, the way you all treated me, the men... chase." Buck finally said, a tear falling down his cheek.

He was stunned to look over and see Eddie in shambles. His eyes were red and tears glistened over his eyes and his lip was quivering. Buck placed a hand on top of his for comfort.

"I-I'm sorry Buck. I know you need me to be strong but watching you relive all of this is heartbreaking. It's torture. I know I shouldn't complain but I'm absolutely devastated for you." Eddie cried out.

"You have every right to feel this way. This is a lot to deal with. I still don't know why you want to be with me...I'm a fucking disaster."

Eddie lifted Bucks chin so that he would look him in the eyes.

"You are not a disaster. You are kind and caring and you always put others before yourself. You were dealt a bad hand from the beginning of your life and you've always overcame it. You are beyond worthy of love. You are mine and I'll never let you forget it." Eddie's eyes glistened over and Buck couldn't fight back the tears.

"I love you so much, Eddie Diaz. You are quite the romantic." Buck laughed wetly while wiping his tears.

"I love you more, Evan Buckley." Eddie chuckled back and placed a tender kiss upon his cheek.

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