Chapter 12: The Truth

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"What are you doing here?" Buck asks in confusion.

"Uhh hey Buck, I-I was hoping we could talk but you were asleep so I was just chatting with Bobby and Athena." Eddie responds, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

Bucks blinks a few times, still unsure as to why Eddie was here. He hasn't spoken to Buck since he walked out on him, rightfully so Buck thought.

"Oh..umm well I'm awake now if you want to talk?" Buck finally says.

Eddie nods.

"And that's our cue to leave, c'mon honey, let's go to bed." Athena says and gestures to Bobby to join her.

"Goodnight you two." Athena says planting a small peck on Bucks cheek and a small rub on Eddie's shoulder.

"Well I guess I'm going to bed at 7pm! Goodnight you guys." Bobby replies, patting both boys on the back.

The two sit down on the living room couch. The tension in the air is awkward. They both sat in silence, unable to say anything. Eddie finally breaks the silence.

"I'm sorry I haven't called..."

"I wasn't expecting one. Not after leaving you like that..." Buck lowers his head in shame.

"It's my fault... I shouldn't have forced my feelings on to you, Buck."

Bucks heart ached a little.

"You didn't force nothing on me, Eddie. I've been in love with you the moment we met."

Eddie is stunned.

"Y-you... really?"

"Absolutely. I just never said anything because I respected our friendship too much to put it at risk and Christopher means the world to me, I couldn't just bet it all on the small chance you'd like me back." Buck says truthfully.

"Clearly I do." Eddie chuckles.

"But why did you run out when I confessed?" Eddie now says with a curious look.

"Eddie... something really bad happened to me that night. It's something I have to learn to deal with on my own, and I can't burden you with my problems. You have a child who needs your priorities." Bucks responds with tears building up in his eyes.

He doesn't want Eddie to see how pathetic he is so he turns his head away from him, lowering into his chest.

Eddie felt his heart ache like crazy. The person he's so in love with, his very best friend, was hurting inside and out. Clearly something traumatic happened to him and he still finds a way to be selfless, putting Christopher's needs before his own. That only made him love Buck more.

"Buck, please look at me." Eddie says, gently rubbing the back of Bucks neck.

Buck melted into his touch and obeyed Eddie's request. He turned and looked Eddie in the eyes.

"Yes, Christopher will always be my number 1 priority, just as I know that he is yours too. That doesn't mean you're any less special to me. Whatever you're battling. You don't need to go through it alone. I'm your partner, I'll be here every step of the way, okay?" Eddie says wholeheartedly.

Buck nods and the tears start pouring out. Eddie pulls Buck into his chest and wraps an arm around him, making sure he felt nothing but safety as he broke down.

"I got you now, Buck. No one will hurt you again. I promise you that." Eddie says and plants a kiss on the top of his head.

"They-they raped me, Eddie." Buck cries out into Eddie's chest.

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