Chapter 16: The Amnesia

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Eddie watched as Buck slept in the hospital bed. A bed that Buck seems to be in more than his own. He's been asleep ever since his rescue. The blow to his head gave him an incredible concussion. He's lucky it didn't kill him.

The beeping from the machine was the only sound in the room.

Eddie, Maddie, Bobby, Athena, Hen and Chim sat at his bedside. Eddie had his hands interlocked with Bucks for hours.

The doctor said he could wake at any time, but it could also be awhile before he comes too. Everybody was exhausted from crying. Buck had not died but his team grieved for him. Grieved for all the pain Buck had endured. He was the sweetest, most caring, innocent man and his life had been nothing but tragedy.

"You guys should go home and get some rest. I'll stay with him." Maddie said, breaking the silence.

"No way I'm leaving him. Never again." Eddie said.

"What about Chris? He must be so confused." Bobby butted in.

"Carla will bring him by after school. I'll explain it to him in a way a child could understand." Eddie replied.

"Well I'm not leaving either. That's my son. He needs us." Athena said next and Bobby nodded in agreement.

"I already told Karen I'd be here for awhile so I'm staying with Buckaroo. " Hen said.

"I'm not going anywhere either, honey." Chim said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

They say there for the next hour until Eddie felt a slight squeeze on his hand. He snapped up to see that Buck was waking up.




Buck couldn't remember anything. All he could see was darkness. He could faint voices speak around him but he couldn't quite recall who it was.

"No way I'm leaving him. Never again." He heard the voice of a man.

He also felt someone handing his hand. He figured it was probably Hen. She was always so caring and affectionate with him.

He kept trying to open his eyes till finally a sliver of brightness appeared through the darkness. It was overwhelming at first but that wouldn't stop Buck. He finally opened his eyes. He groaned at the pain on the side of his head.

He finally set eyes on the voices around him. He first set eyes on a man who was holding his hand. He had no clue who he was but holy fuck, was he ever handsome. He smiled awkwardly at the man.

He then looked over to Bobby who had tears in his eyes. Why was his captain crying? He's never seen him in this state. Was he crying over me? Buck thought. Beside him was Athena who was also crying which shocked Buck because he remembered that she hated his guts. Next was Chim who looked the same but now had a scar on his forehead? What the hell was going on?

His eyes finally set on Maddie and Bucks eyes almost popped out of his head.

"MADDIE?! What are you doing here?! Where's Doug?" Buck said in a panic, searching for the piece of shit who took his sister from him.

He pulled his sister into a tight embrace. Not wanting to let her go again. He hasn't seen her in years and has rarely spoken with her.

Everyone shared a worried glance.

"Buck? What year do you think it is?" Maddie calmly with a concern tone.

"2017? What's going on here? Why am I here? Who are you?" Buck said, looking at the man who's holding his hand.

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