Chapter 15: The Capture

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Authors note: TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter involves sexual assault and blood. This chapter gets dark so please do not read if you are easily triggered.

Side note: THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT <3 I didn't think it would get the attention it's receiving and I'm so glad you're loving it! It's been a rollercoaster to write. I love y'all sm ❤️




Eddie arrived at home and embraced his excited son. They spent the next hour packing up the belongings they would need for a few nights.

"I can't wait to see Buckey, daddy!" Chris screamed in excitement.

"He can't wait to see you just as badly, mi hijo."

They made their way over to Bucks apartment but Eddie thought it may be wise to pick up food before arriving seeing as Bucks apartment hasn't been resided in for awhile.

Eddie pulled into the KFC drive thru, placed his order and paid and finally made their way to Bucks.

Eddie had carried the bags of food and bags of their belongings up to Bucks apartment with Chris clutching his way beside him. When they arrived, Chris knocked at the door.

A minute passed and no one had answered. Eddie knocked this time.

No answer.

"Where's Buckey?" Chris asked confused.

"His Jeep is here, he should be here." Eddie responded.

He placed the bags on the floor and retrieved his keys from his pocket. He obviously had a key to Bucks apartment just as Buck had one to his.

He entered the key into the lock but to his surprise, the door was already unlocked. He opened the door to see the lights were on. He must be in the shower, Eddie thought.

"BUCKEY, WERE HOME." Chris screamed out.

No response.

Eddie observed the area around him. He noticed Bucks bag on the kitchen island and all the lights were on. He furthered into the apartment, heading up the stairs to the loft.

His stomach dropped immediately when he saw the bloody handprints smeared on the wall by the stairs. His fatherly instincts kicked in and went to stop Chris from seeing the bloody mess.

"Daddy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't look over there mi hijo. Stay right here in the kitchen okay? Do not follow me." Eddie instructed and Christopher nodded.

He left the boy and went up the stairs, he felt like throwing up then and there. He was so afraid to reach the top. His eyes scanned everywhere, looking for Buck but he was nowhere to be seen. His eyes then settled on the blood that resides on Bucks bed.

"BUCK! WHERE ARE YOU?!" His voice cracked in pain.

No response.

He immediately whipped his phone from his pocket and dialled 911.

"911 dispatch, what is your emergency?" He knew the voice.

"M-MADDIE! It's Buck..." he cried out.

"Eddie? What's wrong?! Where's Buck?" Maddie replied in a frantic.


"Eddie, breath for me. In and out."

He followed her instructions and tried to slow his breathing but it wasn't working.

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