Chapter 5: The Hurt

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Author Notes: TRIGGER WARNING: SEXAUL ASSUALT. This chapter is probably the darkest point in this story! It genuinely hurt me to write this D:




Bobby watches as his team takes a celebration shot, only drinking water himself as he's been sober every since his family died in a fire years ago. When he and the team arrived at the bar that Eddie recommended, the first thing he noticed was Buck sitting at the bar.

He knew that Buck liked to drink, especially after a bad day and Bobby played the day back in his mind, realizing that he might've been a little hard on Buck.

Truthfully, he was still disappointed that Buck went behind his back, disobeyed his orders and caused quite the stir with everyone. He felt betrayed by someone he considers a son. However, he did not hate Buck. Quite the opposite actually. He loves Buck with every fiber of his body which is why he's going hard on him.

"Hey cap! What's on your mind? You're here but you look mentally checked out." Chim stated.

"Ahh If I'm being honest, it's hard for me to sit here and celebrate this win while Buck sits over there left out" Bobby said truthfully.

"Typical Buck to ruin everything that's good" Chim responded with annoyance.

"alright lay off him Chim." Eddie said.

"You're really gunna stick up for him after everything he did?" Hen chimed in.

"No I don't condone his behavior at all, but he's still Buck. The man who always made us laugh, who always had our backs, and did everything in his power to get his job back. I don't know about you all, but I would probably go to those extremes as well" Eddie said, looking over to Buck who was now heading out of the bar.

Eddie wanted so badly to get up and go to him, to hug him and kiss him on those beautiful plump lips.

But he doesn't. He needs more time to forgive Buck.

An hour pasts by, the team is pretty well drunk at this point, laughing and going over the events of today.

"Athena should be here by now, I'm gunna give her a call" Bobby states, dialing her phone number.

The phone rings 3 times.

"Hey honey, where are you?" Bobby asks. Everyone at the table staring at him.

Bobby's face immediately turns white and the smile that was once plastered on his face, has completely sunk.

"What happened?! Is he okay?!" Bobby says in a panic.

"Oh baby, I'm on my way right now" Bobby states while getting up from the booth.

"What's going on? Who's hurt? Eddie questioned.

"I can't explain anything right now, I just got to go. Is everyone okay to get home?" Bobby asks.

Everyone nodded and with that, Bobby is out of the bar.

"Who do you think he was talking about?" Hen asks the group.

"I'm not sure, maybe he'll tell us when the time is right." Chim responded.

"Maybe." Eddie says, with a concerned look on his face.




"I'm here to see Evan Buckley. I'm his emergency contact." Bobby says to the receptionist.

"Mr. Buckley just got out of surgery, the doctor will be by shortly with an update." The receptionist responds.

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