Chapter 13: The Comeback

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Authors note: TRIGGER WARNING; this and the next chapter will have mentions of suicide.




Just as Eddie said he would, he was at Bobby & Athena's house at 7AM.

He was parked in the driveway, waiting for Buck to get out.

If he was was being truthful, he barely slept at all last night. His mind was filled with dark images of Buck being raped.

When he got home from seeing Buck last night, he immediately ran to the washroom to vomit the entirety of his stomach. He was downright sick.

His mind replayed every minute of that day. He remembers ignoring Buck, the poor treatment Buck received from the team, seeing Buck at the bar and almost stopping him from leaving. Man does he wish he stopped him.

He was inside drinking and celebrating while Buck was just outside that same building being beaten and raped. The guilt Eddie felt was overwhelming and he vomited some more.

Eddie spent the next 3 hours by the toilet, in and out of sobs. His heart hurt more than any injury he's ever endured.

He eventually got up and went to his bed and cried himself to sleep, but was awoken an hour later by his alarm clock. He groaned and hit snooze. He got up, got dressed, made a cup of coffee and headed to pick up Buck.

After a few minutes, Buck exited the house with nothing but a backpack of his belongings. He turned to face a crying Athena and a saddened Bobby.

"Are you sure you're okay to be on your own baby? You can always stay here." Athena says emotionally.

"I appreciate both of your hospitality, and I can never repay the favour for you guys taking care of me. I love you both with my entire being but I do need to resume my life." Buck says while pulling both of them in for a tight hug.

"I know, I know. I just worry about you. I'll be by later today and we're going to get you some groceries, okay?" Athena says breaking the hug and making direct eye contact.

"Okay, Mom." Buck says with a chuckle, kissing her on the cheek.

Bobby was next to cry.

"I'm gunna miss you so much, son" Bobby says while pulling Buck into his embrace.

"I'm literally gunna see you in 3 hours, Bobby" Buck chuckles into Bobby's chest.

"I know but you know what I mean." Bobby laughs back.

"I'm gunna miss you too, pops" Buck reassures.

Buck said his goodbyes once again and hops into Eddie's truck. He immediately notices the dark bags under his eyes.

"Jeez Eds, you look like a zombie man." Buck says.

"Good morning to you too, Buck." Eddie says offensively.

Eddie pulls out of the driveway, both waving at the couple who look as if their child just went off to college.

"They really love you, huh?"

"That's my parents." Buck says proudly.

Eddie smiled at the statement. He was glad that Buck had a support system during all this. God knows he didn't have his partner there for him.

His smile faded at the thought.

"Hey, what's wrong, Eddie? And don't give me that "I'm just tired" shit. I know when somethings bothering you."

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