Chapter 6: The Awakening

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The sounds of beeping wakes Buck from his deep slumber. He struggles to open his eyes but once he does, he immediately shuts them again from the overwhelming brightness.

He blinks open his eyes a few more times so his eyes would adjust to the room around him. He turns his head to see where the beeping was coming from and it was coming from a machine that had tubes that led up the veins in his arms.  This confirms to buck that he is in the hospital.

Buck tries his best to sit himself upright but too his detriment, he is reminded all at once of the pain this he is in. The pain reminding him why he was in the hospital. The memories came back flooding in of the dark alleyway and the two men beating the life out of him and then ripping his clothing off and having their way with him.

Bucks anxiety takes over quickly, causing his heartrate to increase rapidly. This only makes the beeping machines get louder and louder until the door bursts open causing Buck to go into a full blown panic attack.


" Mr. Buckley, I promise you that you are in the safest place you can be. My name is Melissa, I am your nurse. Can you try and slow your breathing?" The nurse reassures him.

Once Buck realizes that he isn't back in that alleyway, that he wasn't in any danger, he opens his eyes, observing the nurse and his surroundings. He slows his breathing down, now winching from the bruises that covered his body.

"It's nice to finally see you awake, Mr. Buckley." Melissa says in a soft tone with a comfortable smile.

"You can just call me Buck." Buck says, still trying to adjust himself into a comfortable position but nothing is comfortable for him anymore.

"well Buck, I do need to check your vitals and make sure everything is healing correctly. Are you comfortable with that?" Melissa asks.

"I don't know.." Buck asks with a saddened look on his face.

Buck doesn't even know if he can handle any physical contact right now. He can barely even touch himself without feeling like he's going to have a panic attack. He feels disgusting, like his skin doesn't belong to him anymore.

"Do you know what happened to you, Buck?" Melissa asks carefully.

"unfortunately" Bucks responds, tears now building up in his eyes.

"I work with many victims who have similar experiences. We don't have to do anything too fast, okay? We will work at your pace and your comfort." Melissa assured him. 

"Okay." Buck responded with a little bit more ease.

" I must inform you however, you were out for 48 hours.  That means we only had a 24-hour time period to examine you for any evidence and test for any STD's. Since you were not able to make that call, your emergency contacts needed to provide consent, which they did. Your results have been sent out to the labs and thankfully you came back clean for any STD's."

That sent a shiver throughout Bucks body. He was examined, naked and exposed while he was unconscious. While the very thought made Buck sick, he knew that it was the correct decision.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you. My emergency contact....who was it?" Buck asks hoping to god it wasn't who he was thinking of.

"Bobby and Athena, they said they were your parents" Melissa responded.

Buck let out a sigh of relief, he couldn't handle the way Eddie would look at him after. He already hates Buck, he doesn't need to be disgusted by him.

"They haven't left yet, if you wanted to see them?" Melissa stated.

"They've been here for over 48 hours?" Buck asked in disbelief.

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