Chapter 3: The Celebration

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Buck did exactly as he was instructed too. He cleaned every nook and cranny of the firehouse. He even mopped the floor twice. The 118 team had been out on call for more than 8 hours, leaving Buck more than enough time to clean up and be left alone with no one but his thoughts.

He watched the television that showed the 118 responding to an 20 floor building that had gone up in flames, causing the entire building to eventually crumble to the ground. He watched as his team got every single person out of the building just in time. He watched as his team hugged each other in victory without him. He should be there celebrating with them. Instead, he has dirty mop water and a trash full of dirty rags to show for his day.

Eventually, both firetrucks pull into the firehouse, the team hoping out and everyone handing out fist bumps and high fives to each other. Smiling about the huge victory that the team had just achieved.

"That was INSANE you guys! I can't believe a 20 floor building burnt to the ground with ZERO casualties!" Chim exclaimed.

"Phenomenal work today team! This calls for a celebration I believe! let's go out tonight!" Bobby says.

"I think that's only the correct thing to do after all that! I'll call the babysitter and ask her to stay longer." Eddie says.

"Buck..." Bobby says to Buck who is watching from the corner, still cleaning the windows.

Bucks face lights up, excited to be acknowledged.

"You missed a spot" Bobby says, eyeing towards the window that Buck has not yet cleaned.

Just like that, Buck feels the lump in his throat form. Bobby didn't acknowledge all the work Buck had done and even worse, shut him out from the celebration.

"On it sir" Buck responded, tears now building up in his eyes.

As Buck finished cleaning the last window, the B-shift firefighters show up, ready to relieve the A- shift firefighters of their duties. Todd Bradley, the captain of B-shift walks in, giving congrats to the A-shift team, and then scoffing towards Bucks once he set eyes on him.

Buck clocked out of shift and made his way towards his Jeep. What was once a sun filled day, was now a dark filled night. Before getting into his Jeep, He makes eye contact with Eddie who was with the rest of the team, all making their way towards their vehicles which seems like they all parked farther from Bucks Jeep.

Eddie doesn't make eye contact very long before stepping into his truck. Buck does the same and once he's in the comfort of his vehicle, he breaks down once again. Slamming his fists into the dash of the Jeep.

Everyone hates him. His team hates him, B-shift hates him, his parents hate him, his captain who has been the only father Buck has known hates him.

Buck needs a drink. And that's exactly what he does.

Buck pulls up to a bar near his home called The Tavern. This bar has always been Bucks favourite. It reminds him of his bar in Florida. It carries the same cozy vibe. Buck pulls into a parking spot, stepping out into the crisp air, locking his Jeep and making his way inside.

"Buckaroo! Rum and Coke as usual?" Dale, the bartender that Buck has opened up too drunkenly way too many times, asks.

"You know me so well Dale." Buck says, huffing out his chest as he finally feels like someone doesn't hate him.

"Rough day, buddy?" Dale asks.

"Oh you don't know the half of it" Buck says while downing the drink in one gulp.

"Another one, please." Buck demands.

"What's on your mind, buckaroo?" Dale asks.

"My entire team hates me for something I did and i don't know how to fix it" Buck explains.

"I'm sure they don't hate you, buck. Don't be ridiculous"

"oh trust me, they do" Bucks says as he downs another drink.

Even though Buck likes his alcohol, he's actually a bit of a light-weight. The two drinks he consumed already has Buck feeling drunk.

"One more than I'm out" Buck says to dale.

as if on cue, Buck hears familiar laughter walk into the bar. He stiffens right up when he realizes that his team had just walked into the bar. He slightly turns his head to see his team walking in, walking towards him. In that moment, he thought that maybe, just maybe, they came for him. They know that this is his favourite bar. That hope quickly dimmed out when they brush past him, sitting down in a booth across the bar.

As they all sit down, Buck observes as they all cheer to their celebration, laughing, smiling and hugging. Buck feels like a lost puppy sitting out in the rain, staring through a window to his family being happy without him. He couldn't stand to watch anymore so he downs his last drink and heads up to leave the bar.

"Thank you, Dale" Buck says, tossing him money for the drinks and then some for a tip.

As Buck starts leaving the bar, he turns one last time, only to see Eddie staring at him. He looks like he's about to get up and stop Buck from leaving but he doesn't. He lets Buck go.

As Buck heads towards his Jeep, He realizes that he's too drunk to be driving. Thankfully, Buck only lives a few blocks away. Buck has shamefully made this journey many times and knows of the shortcuts to make that journey home quicker and Buck wants nothing more than curl up in bed and cry his heart out.

Buck heads towards the alleyway that leads to his home, he's stumbling, regretting downing that last rum & coke. As he's stumbling down the alleyway, He feels as if he isn't alone.

"Well well well, if it isn't Evan Buckley" a deep voice echoed through the alleyway, closer than Buck would like it to be.

Buck whips his head around, his heart almost falls out of his ass when he sees two large men twice his size right in front of him.

"do--do I know you?" Buck asks, intimidated by their size.

"No, but we know you. We've been watching you." the one large man replies.

"you-you have?" Buck asks, knowing now that he is in danger.

"You've pissed someone off really bad, so he hired us to do something really bad to you" the other large man responded.

Buck sobers up real quick and his instincts tell him to run. He tries too anyway but before he could, one of the men grabs him by the back of his sweater, slamming him against the brick wall. The other guy holds Bucks arms behind him while the other starts smashing his fists into Bucks ribs.

Buck screams in pain as he is thrown forcefully onto the ground. He knows this isn't going to end well. Both men start violently kicking Buck in his stomach, then his skull, and then his face. Bucks vision starts going in and out of darkness. He knows that he is bleeding badly, and the blood thinners are contributing to even worse injuries.

For a moment, everything stops. Buck thinks maybe that it's finally over.

That thought is quickly dismissed when he feels the men ripping apart his clothes. They rip his sweater and undershirt off first, leaving him to feel the cold rocks against his abdomen. He then feels the men split his jeans open as if they were made of paper.

"no" Buck whimpered out.

One of the men wrapped his hand around Bucks neck, squeezing it hard, leaving behind a handprint shaped bruise on his neck. The man then bent down and whispered in bucks ear

"You're gunna take it and if you dare scream, It'll be the last thing you do." One of the men threatened.

"Why are you doing this?!" Buck cries out.

"Maybe next time, don't waste your lawyers time" The man replied.

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