Chapter 17: The Memories

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"You were raped, Buck."

Buck sat stunned. He wasn't sure he heard that correctly.

"I was what?"

"Two men attacked you in an alleyway and they...they raped you." Eddie started tearing up.

Bucks heart shattered. Not at that fact that he was raped, but seeing Eddie this way hurt his heart. He didn't know him long but he knew Eddie had lots of love for him and it broke him that this sweet, caring, and loving man had to watch Buck go through that.

He obviously felt sick that someone did that to him but it was hard to ponder on it as he didn't remember the experience.

Buck wasn't sure what to say but he did know what to do. He cupped his hand on Eddie's cheek and pulled him in for a short but hopeful kiss. Eddie looked stunned.

"What was that for?" Eddie said.

"I'm not sure what I was like after... that happened, but clearly you still found a way to love me. You still stood by side through it all. That's more than I can say about anyone. Even my parents." Buck replied.

Guilt plastered all over Eddie's face.

"I wasn't always there for you, Buck. It's my biggest regret..." Eddie muttered out.

"What do you mean?"

"A fire truck fell on you, crushing your leg. It was pretty bad, they almost had to amputate. Luckily they didn't but then you coughed up blood and they found you have blood clots. You were out on blood thinners and Bobby didn't want you hurt anymore so he told you that you couldn't come back to work. You filed a lawsuit against the station which caused a lot of damage. You only realized when it was too late but you canceled the lawsuit when Bobby finally let you back. We all treated you like shit. We left you out of a celebration one night and it happened to be at the same bar you were at, you left when you saw us and that's when the two men attacked you. Your lawyer is the one who hired them." Eddie said with tears running down his cheeks.

"My lawyer did this?" Buck said stunned at what Eddie had just told him.

"Yes. The two men were arrested immediately but chase was nowhere to be found... until he broke into your apartment and kidnapped you. He bashed your head in, hence the amnesia and head injury."

"Holy fuck..." Buck breathed out.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you." Eddie sobbed out.

"I have an apartment?!"

"That's what you took away from that? Yes you do but you're staying at mine from now on." Eddie chuckled.

"So wait, how did we start dating if you were mad at me?" Buck questioned.

"After your first attack, I realized how stupid I was being. Bobby and Athena had taken you in to care for you. They really love you by the way. They both consider you their son."

"Athena?! She hates me! And what do you mean take me in? Do they live together?!" Buck was confused.

"They're married, Buck. Athena wasn't a fan of yours at first but once her and Bobby got together, you became a huge part of her world. She almost murdered me when I came over to talk to you."

Bucks jaw was on the floor.

"We had a deep conversation, you forgave me. And then we kissed. We both realized that we've been in love with each other for years but didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. I wanted to take you on a date but you were just returning to work which you had been out of for months. Technically we're not even official so I totally understand if you don't want that." Eddie said with a sad look in his eyes.

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