Chapter 7: The Recovery

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Author Notes: Hello to the the new beautiful readers who have been reading! Sorry that it has been a hot minute since the last chapter but I'll be pushing out more real soon! I appreciate the interest! I honestly didn't think anyone would read this :') also, I'm not medically trained in any sense so what I write might not be correct. Enjoy this chapter y'all!




Buck wakes up in pure panic, sweating like crazy and his breath heavy as if he just ran a marathon.

He winces in pain as he is greeted with an immediate headache and sharp pains covering his torso. He slowly lifts his hospital gowns collar, staring down at the purple coloured bruised that are set into his skin. He slowly lowers his neck onto the pillow, sighing in relief that he was not back in that alleyway.

"Good Morning, sleepy head" Bobby says softly but still giving Buck a brief startle.

"Bad nightmares, huh? Bobby asks, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah..I-I thought I was back in the alleyway" Buck responds with tears building up.

"You're safe now, son. I won't ever allow anyone to hurt you like that again" Bobby says while gripping onto Bucks hand, tears also building up.

"When can I go home, Bobby?"

"Well the doctor said that you're healing perfectly, the only concern is your concussion and making sure that the blood-thinners you are on don't affect your current injuries. She said she will be back in a hour or so." Bobby responds.

Buck looks over to the clock on the wall, noticing that it is now 9:45 in the morning.

"What are you doing here, Bobby? Aren't you suppose to be at work right now?" Buck asks in confusion.

"My son just went through something you really think I'd let him lay here and deal with that alone? I don't think so." Bobby responds.

Buck doesn't know how to process what Bobby just said. Why would anyone give a damn about him? His real parents sure don't and just days ago, Bobby had also acted like he didn't matter. Yes, he forgave Bobby but it still bothered him that he's only receiving this kindness out of pity.

"Chim has taken the lead today, and a member of the 135 has stepped into your place until you're ready to come back." Bobby continued.

"Am I? Am I allowed to come back soon?"

"That all depends on what the doctor has to say but as long as you're cleared, you'll always have a job waiting for you" Bobby assured.

Buck nods.

'WHERE IS HE?!" A familiar voice yells out in the hallway.

"WHERE IS MY BABY BROTHER?!" Buck then knew exactly who it was.

Maddie appears in the doorway, looking over at Buck with panic in her eyes.

"oh buck.." Maddie whispers out, drastically low from the yelling she was just doing.

It takes her 4 big strides across the room, pulling her brother into a hug, while letting out a huge sob.

"Ouch Maddie be careful, I'm fragile" Buck cried out.

"I'm so sorry Bucky" Maddie says while letting him go, scanning just how bad his injuries were.

"What happened, Buck? Who did this to you?" Maddie asks desperately.

Buck instantly froze up. He didn't know how to find the words to tell his sister what happened. He knew Maddie well, this would definitely cause her a lot of stress and Buck was tired of being everyone's burden. He chose his words carefully.

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