Chapter 8: The Healing

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Today was the day Buck was being discharged. Buck was more than excited to get out of this gloomy place that he is all too familiar with. At this point, they may as well dedicate a room to Buck for how many times he has been here. It was now 8:30AM and his discharge time was 9AM.

Buck kept all his focus on the clock across the room, waiting for each minute to pass. The doctor then walks into the room, snapping Buck out of his focus.

"Good Morning, Buck! How are you feeling today?" The doctor asks.

"Excited to get out of here." Buck says with a small smile.

"I bet you are! The nurses are getting all your discharge forms ready now as well as the belongings you had on you when you arrived. The next two weeks are vital Buck. You must get a lot of rest, stay hydrated, eat a lot of nutrients, and here is the number to a friend of mine who specializes in sexual assault cases. Physical health is super important but mental health matters just as much." The doctor explains while handing out a card to Buck.

Buck shivers at the words. This was his life now. He used to be fearless and confident but now he just feels weak and scared. Chase was still out there, waiting for him. As much as he wants to leave this hospital, stepping outside frightened him so much.

"We also called Bobby and Athena, they are on their way now to pick you up"

"Thank you Doc, you guys have been nothing but amazing. Thank you for saving my life" Buck responds.

"Take care of yourself, Buck." The doctors says with a big smile, stepping out of the room.

Minutes have passed and Buck went back to focusing on the clock. He has nothing better to do anyways.

The nurse walks into Bucks room with a bag full of his belongings, and papers that he needed to sign.

"Here you go, Buck. These are the things you had on you when you arrived. Whenever your discharge time hits, just bring the filled out forms to the receptionist, okay?" The nurse explains.

"I understand, thank you." Buck says with a small smile and with that, the nurse is gone.

Buck fills out all the forms first, just wanting to get that part over with and out of the way.

Buck then looks down at the bag, opening in and immediately noticing the blood stained clothes on top. Buck pulls out the shirt first, wincing at how much blood was on it and the rips the covered it.

"Damn, that was my favourite shirt." Buck mutters out.

Next, he pulls out a pair of black skinny jeans, also covered in blood and completely ripped up. Buck immediately tenses up when he notices the main rips are on the backside of the jeans. Before Buck could think of it too much, he throws the bloodied clothes to the side. He then pulls out his keys for his Jeep and home, and lastly, his cell phone.

Buck sighed out when he realized that his phone was completely shattered. He tried turning it on but it was no use. It was done. This was the final straw for Buck, he lowered his head into his palms and let out a long time coming sob. He knows it was silly to cry over some ripped up clothes and a broken phone but they represented how Buck felt, broken and useless.

"What's wrong, baby?" Athena's voice echoed through the room.

"It's stupid, don't worry about it." Buck muffled out, head still in his hands.

"hey, I will never judge you or your feelings. Talk to me, Buckaroo." Athena reassured.

"It-it's just my ripped up clothes and broken phone, I know it's stupid to think about but it feels like they used to represent the old Buck, who was strong, brave and confident, and now they represent this Buck, who is torn, shattered and useless." Buck cried out in one breathe.

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