Chapter 2: The Aftermath

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Today is the first day that Buck gets to go back to work and he's more than excited. He didn't have to go to court because the Fire Chief had agreed to let Buck come back to work if he dropped the case, which he gladly did. Chase Mackay was infuriated with Buck after Buck had told him that he was dropping the case. He kept telling Buck about all the money he would be losing but buck didn't care, he just wanted his job back.

After waking up way earlier than he should have, Buck spent his morning preparing to go back to his team and finally get back into the thrill of being a firefighter.

Buck could not stop looking at the clock, desperately wanting the time to go faster.

Finally it was near time to leave, Buck slipped on his uniform which still fit like a glove, brushed his teeth, grabbed the keys to his Jeep, and was out the door.

The drive to the station had buck jumping in his bones, he was ready to see his team with welcoming arms.

That was not the case.

When buck pulled into his parking space, he jumped out of his jeep as if his ass was on fire. He quickly jogged over to the open doors of the 118 firehouse.

"I'm home!" Buck yelled, echoing throughout the firehouse.

"oh god" hen gawked, rolling her eyes toward her teammates.

Buck runs up the stairs to the kitchen, smelling that delicious home cooked meal that Cap always makes before they head out on call.

"What's up, you guys?!" Buck says expecting his team to get up and hug him.

"Listen closely, Buckley. Just because you meddled your way back into this firehouse, doesn't mean we forgive you for what you did" Chim scoffed.

"oh...I know what I did was wrong but I had no idea Chase was going to dig into you guys like that" Buck explained with a saddened look as he was not met with hugs.

"The captain was suspended because of your stupid decision Buck!! Thank god he had us to back him up and was able to return to work. We were down 2 firefighters because you couldn't accept your instructions" Chim said while slightly turning red with rage.

"okay guys, that is more than enough" Bobby (captain)  chimed in.

"Here's how this is going to go Buck" Bobby turned with a different look that Buck has never seen before.

"Just because you got your way once again, doesn't mean that I'm not still in charge. You will obey my orders and if you don't, there will be SEVERE consequences. Do I make myself clear?" Bobby said sternly.

Buck couldn't believe what was going on. Nobody cared that he was back...nobody even missed him. He stood there awkwardly, trying not to burst out in tears, baffled at the situation before him.

"DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, BUCKLEY?!" Bobby said now raising his voice.

"Yes sir.." Buck responded cowardly.

"Good. Now make yourself useful and go clean the truck." Bobby said sternly.

"okay sir." Buck responded, turning on his heels, completely red in the face.

Buck made his way down the stairs, towards the firetruck, still smelling the delicious food that he was no longer invited to eat.

Buck did what he was told and scrubbed the firetruck clean, saddened by the laughs from his teammates just up the stairs.

"wow, look who actually showed his face here again" Buck heard from a familiar voice behind him

"Eddie.." Buck whimpered, turning around to see the man that he's madly in love with and hasn't seen for 3 weeks.

"I've missed you so much ed-" Buck says but not finishing without Eddie cutting him off.

" I don't want to hear it, Buckley. In fact, stay the hell away from me" Eddie said sharply.

"Eddie, please I-" Buck said desperately.

"I said I don't want to hear it! You're not allowed to just blow everyone's life up and expect us to like you anymore!" Eddie yelled.

Those words cut through Bucks heart, hurting worse than a 20 ton firetruck crushing him. He thought that Eddie loved him... even if it was platonic, which it wasn't, Eddie told him he loved him many times. Hearing him say the words "Expect us to like you anymore" confirmed to Buck that he had always been alone with his feelings.

Before Buck could say anything else, the fire alarms goes off.

This is the moment that Buck has waited and worked his ass off for the past few months for. The thrill of the alarm, the journey to the scene, then springing into action. That thrill has motivated Buck to do everything in his will power to get back too.

Bucks instincts kick in as he runs towards the locker-room to suit up, remembering all his training of getting dressed quick. Buck runs towards the firetruck, ready to save some lives.

"Where do you think you're going, Buckley?  Captain asked.

"I- I thought-" Buck fumbles on his words, confused at the situation.

"Do you really think I'd put the safety of my team at risk? You're untrustworthy and sneaky. Get out of that truck" Cap said sternly.

Buck did as he was told and stepped out of the truck, completely hurt at the words his Captain just said to him.

"When we get back, this place better be squeaky clean. Do you understand?" Captain ordered.

"yes sir..." Buck said quietly.

"LET'S GO TEAM!" Bobby ordered, the whole team loading into the truck and driving away.

Buck stands in the doorway, it's quiet as hell with only the sounds of the firetruck sirens getting further and further away.

Buck takes the opportunity of loneliness to break down and cry his heart out. Why was his team being like this? Why was Bobby treating him like a piece of shit stuck to the bottom of his shoe? Why was Eddie acting like the years and memories he and Buck have shared suddenly meant nothing to him?

Buck just wanted his job and his family back. He never meant for anyone to get hurt.  He feels as if someone punched through his chest and ripped his heart from his body.

It can't get any worse than this, can it? ...

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