Chapter 10: The Kiss

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Friday rolled over quite quickly. Buck was following the doctors orders and doing everything he can to heal up as quick as possible. He missed the thrill of being on call, of saving lives, and being with his family. Buck spent the day cleaning the house up while everyone was away. He needed to do anything to keep his mind off any intrusive thoughts.

It was now near 8PM, and Buck knew that everyone would be just getting off their shifts. He was more than ready to go over to Eddie's and see Christopher again. That little boy has been the only good thing on his mind all day. He couldn't wait to embrace him and never let him go again. Just as Buck was about to hop in the shower, he heard his phone vibrate.

Eds: Hey, just got off work now. Just heading home to get ready. I'll pick you up in 45, okay?

Buck smiles at the text.

Buck: Sounds like a plan, Stan!

Eds: Who the hell is Stan??

Buck: oh c'mon! You never heard that expression?!

Eds: Can't say that I have, you weirdo ;)

Bucks heart flutters when he sees the winky face.

Buck: oh whatever ;) I'll be ready!

Buck sends off the message and locks his phone, undressing his clothing and stepping into the hot shower. He scrubbed and scrubbed his body clean but truthfully, no matter how many times Buck washed himself, he constantly felt dirty. He felt used and disgusting. No amount of soap can wash that feeling away.

Buck felt the frustration take over him easily. He hated feeling this way. He wanted nothing more than to move on from the incident but everything he did reminded him of it.

Eventually, he steps out of the shower, patting himself dry with a towel. He stops in front of the mirror and takes in his body. He's a lot skinnier than he used to be and his body is still covered in yellowish bruises. The bruise in a shape of a handprint around his neck is faded but still visibly there. The bags under his eyes show clear signs that he hasn't been sleeping well, and his hair is longer than he'd like it to be.

Buck let's out a long sigh and exits the washroom. He makes his way over the the room he's staying in and rummages through his clothes. He decides on a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a fuzzy lined jacket. After putting on his outfit, he heads back to the living room and waits for Eddie to arrive.

He hears a car pull up but is hesitant on it being Eddie or someone else so he waits for a text. He hears the door keys jiggle around and the door opens up and Bobby and Athena make their way inside.

"Hey buckaroo! Did you have a good day, baby?" Athena asks, walking in and planting a small peck on his cheek.

"It was alright. Truthfully, I'm bored out of my mind." Buck responds.

"I totally get it, but you need to rest up so you can get medical clearance." Athena says.

"I know, I know. I just miss being out there, yanno?"

"We miss having you with us, Buck. It's not the same without you. Just one more week, son." Bobby chimes in, patting Buck on the back softly.

"Jeez, you're looking very snazzy! Are you going somewhere?" Athena asks, noticing how dressed up Buck was.

"Yeah, i'm actually going over to Eddie's for a bit. He's coming to pick me up" Buck asks, awkwardly rubbing his neck.

Athena just stares at him with a not-so pleased look on her face.

"Just be careful okay? I don't trust that guy just yet. You better call me if anything happens, okay?" Athena says.

"I promise I will" Buck replies, kissing her on the forehead.

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