Chapter 9: The Trigger

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It had been a few days since Bucks been discharged from the hospital. If he was being honest, he was going to rip the hair from his scalp if he had to rest anymore. While Athena and Bobby went too work, and May and Harry went too school, Buck was left alone with nothing but his thoughts. His dark, cold, lonely thoughts.

Buck had been healing very fast. The bruises that covered his chest in purple have now faded to a yellowish tone. He still has fairly bad headaches but that's what happens when you take multiple kicks to the head.

Buck decided to throw a pot of coffee on, pouring himself a cup, and sitting outside on the porch, taking in the beautiful sunny day. Buck takes a deep breath in, trying to calm his chaotic thoughts.

For a splint moment, Buck feels peace take over him. That peace left just as fast as it came when Buck hears the doorbell ring. He sits up from his seat in a panic. Who could be here at this time? Most people are at work at this time of day. Buck slowly makes his way towards the door, anxiety taking over him with each step he takes. What if Chase found him? Buck can't help but think of every worst scenario creeping behind that door.

Buck peaks into the peephole, preparing for the wors—oh it's..Eddie?

What the hell was Eddie doing here? Shouldn't he be at work? He knows he isn't here for Bobby as Bobby is literally their boss, so maybe he's looking for Athena? Buck quickly pats himself down in an attempt to straighten his wrinkled clothes out and tries to style his hair which was in dire need of a haircut.

He opens the door slowly and awkwardly, locking his eyes onto Eddie's caramel-brown eyes that Buck has missed so much. The same eyes he's always wished he could wake up and fall asleep too. He keeps half his body inside and the other half outside the door.

"Hey Buck." Eddie says shyly.

"Uhh hey Diaz, what're you doing here at this time?" Buck asks with a concerned look.

"It's actually my day off and Chris is at school for the day. I was thinking you're also probably bored off your ass, so I brought beer." Eddie says with a huge smile and his arm raising the 6 pack of beers up.

"You know me so well, Diaz. Get in here." Buck says with a grin, opening the door to allow Eddie inside.

Eddie walks into the home, familiar with the surroundings so he slips past Bucks, and rests the case of beers on the kitchen table, grabbing one for him and one for Buck. He sits on the couch where Buck now resides, semi-close but enough distance that Buck would be comfortable with.

"So how're you feeling? Recovering well?" Eddie asks.

"I'm getting there. I feel myself getting stronger each day, tasks are becoming easier and easier. I have about a week and a half left till I can get a clean bill of health and come back to work." Buck explains.

"I'm glad to hear that, Evan."

Buck looks up towards Eddie in a small shock.

"It's been awhile since you've called me that." Buck responds quietly. Buck doesn't allow many people to call him by his first name but he loves when Eddie does. It feels more intimate.

"I know.. and that's another reason why I'm here." Eddie starts, taking a deep breath in.

"There are no words I can say to you that will take back my behaviour towards you. Truthfully, I felt betrayed by you and that hurt me. Christopher and I have had too many people betray and abandon us so out of instinct, I shut you out and that wasn't fair to you. I realize now you did what you needed to do to save your career" Eddie continues while his eyes start glazing over.

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