Chapter 14: The Victim

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Anxiety shot through Bucks chest. His very first call back and it's a woman who was just sexually assaulted and is attempting suicide. He wasn't sure how he could help her.

Bobby gave Buck a knowing look of "if you're not comfortable, step aside".

He wanted nothing more than to help. It's what he lived for. It's what kept him going for months and months.

The night of his assault came in flashes, flooding his brain with dark memories. He couldn't help the tears fighting to fall from his eyes.

Eddie kept his focus on Buck, immediately noticing his state of mind. Without hesitation, he slipped his fingers around bucks, interlocking their hands.

Buck flinched to the touch, a single tear falling down his cheek. He relaxed when he returned to reality and that it was Eddie who was touching him.

Hen obviously witnessed the scene before her. She always was very observant and she wasn't dumb. She knew that something has clearly happened more to Buck than just assault.

The 118 fire truck arrived on scene, all firefighters hoping out except Buck. He seemed glued to the seat. He was already beyond triggered and was afraid he wouldn't be able to contain his emotions if he got out of the truck.

He watched slightly out of the window instead. Observing his team clearing out the witnesses surrounded. Captain Bobby had taken his mega-phone to communicate with the victim while Eddie and Chim headed to the rooftop to gear up and ground themselves in case they needed to catch her.

Hen and Athena had made their way to her apartment to try and communicate with her but came to a dead end when they found the door was locked.

Melissa sat on the rim of her balcony railing, legs dangling over, arms wrapped around the support beam. Her face was covered in tears and she looked ready to jump then and there.

"Melissa, my name is Bobby Nash. I am the captain of the 118 firehouse. Can you hear me clearly?"

"I'm gunna jump! Don't try and talk me out of it!" Melissa cried out in response.

"We're only here to give you support, the decision is all yours. Would you talk with us, first?" Bobby's voice echoed through the mega-phone.

"No! You wouldn't understand! You wouldn't understand the pain I am in. I just want it to end. I can't live like this any longer!"

A shiver was sent down Bucks spine. He indeed did know the pain she was feeling. He understood the need to end it all. He at least had a support system to help him. She seemed to have none.

"Maybe we can surprise you? It's worth a shot, no?" Bobby replied.

"NO! There's nothing you could say to stop me! You don't know what I've been through!" Melissa cried out. She leaned herself over more, close to falling over.

Out of instincts, Buck ran out of the fire truck. He couldn't sit back any longer. He knew eventually that his attack would become public, so why not help someone in need now? He approached Bobby which caught him by surprise.

"Let me talk to her" Buck said nervously.

"Are you sure? I don't want you doing anything you're not comfortable with." Bobby replied with a concerned plastered on his face.

Buck nodded and grabbed the mega-phone from Bobby. He took one big gulp and raised the mega-phone to his mouth.

"Melissa, my name is Evan Buckley. I am a member of the 118 firehouse. I know the pain you're feeling..." Buck said cautiously.

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